A picture has surfaced online, and was allegedly taken by an Apple engineer on an iPhone 5 prototype with an 8MP camera. The test photo revealed by PocketNow suggests that the image was taken on an unreleased iPhone 5, which could now be sporting a camera module that is drastically better than the iPhone 4’s 5MP camera.
After the image was tested, the report also mentioned that it appeared that the image was shot at a 4.3mm f/2.4, which is closer to that of a point-and-shoot than the iPhone 4’s actual 3.85mm f/2.8.
This data could also be strewn as it changed devices many times before being posted as you see above. Either way, if Apple has finally decided to add on an 8MP camera to the iPhone 5, that is something that could place the iPhone up with the top Android phones that already carry a pretty high resolution camera.
The iPhone, coupled with HDR and other features, has the ability to conquer the point and shoot market. The iPhone 4, with its 5 megapixels, managed to achieve great success as it was being used by artists, and many business professionals.
The image (pictured above) could have been a bogus claim by one of many amateur sources, but gained some credibility after it was revealed that an Apple engineer had taken the photo during his lunch break. With Apple’s new rumored teardrop design for the iPhone 5, as well as an 8 megapixel camera, and an A5 chip upgrade, this latest iteration of Apple’s iPhone is sure to be a popular one. Whether or not this photo is genuine, many rumors are already suggesting that Apple is likely to upgrade the rear-facing camera from its current 5MPs.
Apple is expected to unveil the iPhone 5 in a press event in coming weeks. Rumors have pegged the release sometime in early October, alongside the public release of iOS 5.