According to market research firm Strategy Analytics, Apple Inc. (AAPL) overtook Nokia in global smartphone market share during the second quarter. Apple has now become worlds largest smartphone manufacturer as Nokia slipped to number three and Samsung coming close at second position. The global smartphone market saw 110 million units being shipped which represented 76% growth. Apple shipped 20.3 million … Read More
Apple Inc. (AAPL) Surpasses Nokia to Become World’s Top Smartphone Vendor
A report from The Financial Times today mentioned that Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) has surpassed Nokia to claim the spot for world’s top smartphone vendor. Apple Inc. experienced rapid growth with the introduction of it’s iPhone 4 while Nokia experienced a sharp decrease in manufacturing and production. AAPL had the ability to close out a 5.5 million unit deficit during the … Read More
Apple’s iPhone Stays Strong Even As Smartphone Shipments Dip
Smartphone shipments took a dip in the first quarter for the first time in a couple of years as manufacturers shipped 97.2 million phones in Q1, down 1.5% when compared with Q4. According to IHS iSuppli who published these figures shipments for electronic goods generally slow down after the holiday season but the dip in smartphone industry is atypical. In … Read More
App Store To Retain Major Market Share of Paid Apps Despite Android Growth
Google’s Android is increasingly becoming popular as most handset manufacturers are adopting the Android platform. We recently reported that Google’s Android Market is expected to surpass the number of apps available in Apple’s App Store to become the largest store for mobile apps. But, does more apps mean more revenue? According to a new report by IHS Screen Digest, the … Read More
Android 3.0 Performance Issues May Benefit Apple’s iPad 2 and Other Tablet PC Vendors
Android 3.0 codenamed Honeycomb is a tablet-only operating system (OS) and a recent report by DigiTimes suggests that according to “sources from upstream touch panel players” its unstable performance may benefit Apple’s iPad 2 and other tablet PC vendors. Due to Android 3.0 currently still having several issues that are unable to be resolved immediately and which are causing unstable … Read More
Apple Working on Smaller, Cheaper iPhone to Compete with Android?
In an effort to compete with the large selection of Android smartphones in the current market, it has been suggested that Apple is working on a smaller, cheaper version of iPhone (nano?) which would be available without the need to sign up for a contract. The Bloomberg report published today cites “people who have been briefed on the matter,” and … Read More
iPhone 4 Display Better than Samsung Galaxy S [DisplayMate]
The people over at DisplayMate took 5 smartphones and tested their screens for quality and came to the conclusion that iPhone 4 screen was indeed the best. Considering the fact that Samsung recently said that iPhone was already obsolete due to its LCD screen, I would imagine that’s gotta smart! In testing the 5 handsets, of which the Samsung Galaxy … Read More
Master of Alchemy for iPhone. Another Quality Game from Chillingo, Despite its Repetitive Levels
Master of Alchemy [rating: 4/5] Other than reading the latest thoughts on Global Warming and watching the meteorologists on TV forecasting the weather the last time I did anything scientific was to burn some magnesium sulphate, I think that’s what it was called, over a Bunsen Burner during a school science lesson. Now though I’ve had the chance to get back … Read More
Apple (AAPL) Moves iWallet Plans Forward
Near Field Communications (NFC) allows the transmission of data between devices over short ranges. It is perfect for consumer financial and data transitions. And Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) very obviously intend that this kind of transaction will be able to be carried out from our iPhones in future. One of NFC’s leading lights, Benjamin Vigler, recently moved to Apple where his job title, … Read More
Apple (AAPL) Ships More Phones than Motorola For 2nd Quarter Running
For the second quarter in a row Motorola reported shipping less mobile phones than Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL). To give you an idea of how the smart phone industry has been turned on its head since the arrival of Apple, Silicon Alley Insider have produced some great statistics. In Q2 2007, for instance — the quarter when Apple first started selling the iPhone … Read More
iPhone 4 Antennagate Conference Gets Samsung’s Response
During the iPhone 4 “Antennagate Conference” Apple CEO showed videos of HTC Droid Eris, Samsung Omnia II and BlackBerry Bold 9700 dropping singal bars when held in a way which attenuates its signal. Apple didn’t just stop there, after the conference was over they posted a new page on their website which explains the antenna design and issue of weak spots in … Read More
Apple’s Secret Strategy at The iPhone 4 Press Conference
Apple dodged more than one bullet at their iPhone 4 Press Conference yesterday. Some that I think many people had not even seen coming. But that’s because by definition most industry observers, or journalists, are followers and not leaders. Being a leader is something that Apple very certainly is used to – and good at. Some pundits went into the … Read More
Microsoft to Apple: The iPhone 4 is your Vista
Who could forget Microsoft’s PR nightmare with Windows Vista? It seemed like everyone had something bad to say about Vista. Even Microsoft fan boys joined the party when it came to mocking Microsoft over Windows Vista. Over the last several weeks, however, the same atmosphere that existed during the Vista launch seems to exist over the iPhone 4 launch. It … Read More
Blackberry Coming Under Pressure from Apple and Google for Market Share
It seems that the fairytale success of the Blackberry is coming under increasing pressure from both Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) and Google (NASDAQ:GOOG) , as demand for iPhone 4 and Android handsets, and their increasing market share steadily encroaches on RIM’s market dominance. A recent survey from ChangeWave Research completed at the end of June, prior to the iPhone 4 launch, shows that RIM … Read More
iPhone Class Action Monopoly Lawsuit Against Apple & AT&T Approved
When the first iPhone was launched back in 2007, a few Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) U.S. customers filed lawsuits challenging Apple’s and AT&T’s right to tie the iPhone to one cellular provider by locking it. Further lawsuits also challenged Apple’s right to control what software you could put on your iPhone, and alleged that Apple and AT&T were dishonest when they sold 2 … Read More