A number of Apple blogs recently reported that US chain Best Buy’s web store listed three new Apple iPad SKUS for a short while with all 3 being currently unreleased hardware. The erroneous entries were all lists as “APPLE COMPUTER INC. – APPLE IPAD SKU WIFI” with two priced $599 and the other weighing in at $699. No other details … Read More
Analysts Expect a “Monster Holiday Season” for Apple (AAPL)
ChangeWave Research has carried out a survey on just under 3000 US consumers which focusses on their plans for purchases for the holiday season. The survey was primarily interested in finding out what electronics goods consumers might be sticking under Christmas trees and in stockings this year. The upshot of what is a very expensive, and quite detailed report from ChangeWave … Read More
iPad set to outsell Apple Mac Computers Internationally
AppleInsider are reporting that Mike Abramsky of RBC Capital Markets estimates that 600,000 – 700,000 iPads will be sold overseas (meaning outside the US) in June. And some believe the number may even go higher still. Apparently the entire stock of iPads for the international launch are now spoken for in their entirety when split between retail outlet allocations and … Read More
Apple Patents iPhone E-Ticket System
Apple is essentially famous for two things; great products people enjoy using and creating news by filing patents. Apple is probably one of the most prodigious patent filers in all of Silicon Valley. A whole subset of Apple watchers has grown up around trying to discern the viability of the patents granted to Cupertino. Recently PatentlyApple detailed one of the … Read More