Apple’s next generation iPhone 5 has been the source of intense speculation and the driving force of the rumor mill. On Friday, the rumors continued following a report from The Verge, after the site acquired images of what appears to be an iPhone protoype. The images were cited in a court document in Apple’s extensive court battle with Samsung.
The images show an iPhone prototype with a taller screen, smaller dock connector, and two-toned back plate, the same design details revealed several weeks ago. The image (above) on the right is the image acquired by the publication and shows the prototype, while the one on the left is a mockup from design firm BlackPool Creative, which created the model based purely on rumors and leaked parts.
The leaked parts were first seen in a video from mobile parts seller E-Trade Supply, which showed the new iPhone 5 backplate next to a current iPhone 4S.
Apple’s latest design, based on rumors and leaked parts appears to combine a number of design aspects from previous generations of iPhone, including the metal backing from the original iPhone and the flat form factor from the 4 and 4S.
Apple is expected to announce the iPhone 5 sometime during the September timeframe alongside the public version of iOS 6 as well as an iPad Mini and a tweaked iPad.
{via MacRumors}