LG Competes with Apple’s Panorama Feature and TV Ad With a New Ad For Its Optimus G Pro

Optimus G Pro Panorama TV ad

Optimus G Pro Panorama TV ad

Apple has been receiving stiff competition from companies such as Samsung, which quickly moved up in the market following its release of Galaxy S devices and anti-Apple advertising. Now, it seems that another company is gearing up to do the same thing, perhaps, after seeing it become a success with Samsung. A new ad from LG highlights OPtimus G Pro’s Panorama feature just like iPhone 4S and 5 TV ad, and then adds on to it.

By doing this, the ad shows that the company’s Optimus G Pro phone is more advanced and that the panorama feature is more expansive on this device. in Apple’s version of the ad, a person is taking a picture of children and uses the Panorama feature to sweep across the screen while saying an elongated “cheeeeese”.

The LG spot begins nearly identical to Apple’s, with the same classic white background, lineup of children, and use of the panorama feature. The narrator in the ad, also says the same phrase, “cheeeese” (“Kimchiiiiiii”) in Japanese. However, halfway through the ad, the Optimus G Pro begins to move all around the screen while capturing a number of different image points including the ceiling and floor. The children, which are organized horizontally in Apple’s ad, are active and running about in LG’s ad.

Google released the “Photo Sphere” feature with the JellyBean 4.2 update to the Android OS, meaning that users can automatically upload the photo to their other Google services. This isn’t the first time that one of Apple’s ads were skewed to show off a feature on another phone, however, these ads appear to be working in the favor of competitors, particularly Samsung.

{Via AppleInsider}


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