The jailbreak team called Evad3rs has been hard at work to release iOS 6.1 jailbreak for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. The jailbreak called “evasi0n” is now available for download and supports all current iOS 6.1 devices with third gen Apple TV being the only exception. Apple released iOS 6.1 software update last week which fixed a few bugs and … Read More
Windowed Apps? On an iPad? Say What? (Jailbreak)
So we have all found ourselves searching for ways to use our iPad as laptop replacements. There are always a few hang ups that you can’t get past, say… Windowed Apps? Quasar, developed by Pedro Franceschi, allows you to do just that on jailbroken iPad. Quasar is tackling something that I have heard repeated throughout much of the tablet world, … Read More
This Week in Must Have iPhone / iPad Jailbreak Tweaks
Must Have iPhone / iPad Jailbreak Tweaks The tweaks for jailbroken devices keep coming thick and fast. Some change the aesthetics of the iPhones while other change existing or and new functionality which the iPhone out of the box does not provide. This week we deal with some of each and the first is one that we are running a … Read More
This Week in iPhone / iPad Jailbreak! – Cydia Tweaks
It’s been another busy week in the iPhone / iPad Jailbreak scene as some great new tweaks have been made available via Cydia. Cydia is the App Store for the Jailbreak community and if your Jailbroken you are probably already familiar with it as it’s the only thing that is installed on your Jailbroken device after you jailbreak. The first … Read More
Apple TV Hack Enables Full Screen iOS Apps on your HDTV
The jailbreak community has always tried and been successful in giving users more options to customize their iOS device. Even as Apple tries its best to plug the security holes and bugs to get rid of ‘jailbreak’ the community continues to find new bugs and release updated tools to make jailbreaking possible. The latest hack being developed by iOS developers … Read More
Gesturizer: Another Reason Why You Would Want to Jailbreak iOS 5
Some people debate whether Jailbreaking iOS devices had a future. With iOS 5 release date just around the corner which includes many features previously only available via Jailbreak will there still be a need to hack your device? In my opinion the answer is yes especially when fantastic tweaks like Gesturizer appear in Cydia. Gesturizer allows you to create custom … Read More
CleverPin – Secure your iPhone 4 with Flexibility [Jailbreak]
I’ve always wanted to make my iPhone 4 as secure as possible so always made use of the automatic pin locking functionally and even had it set to lock after just a minute on inactivity. However, while this made it nice and secure should the phone fall into the wrong hands it also made it a little frustrating when I … Read More
AT&T Warns iPhone 4 Jailbreak Users: Stop Tethering or Pay
AT&T has today begun sending out its second warning to customers who it believes are illegally tethering their iPhone 4 using jailbreak, demanding they either stop tethering, or pay the price. In a stern SMS to select subscribers, the carrier warned that those who don’t pay and continue to tether their phones illegally would be automatically upgraded and charged for … Read More
Apple Asks Toyota to Remove Theme & Ads from Cydia
A recent Toyota advertising campaign hit the headlines a couple of days ago, after the car giant released a theme for the iPhone publicizing its Scion car through the jailbreak application Cydia. Toyota’s deal with Cydia was short-lived, however, after a request from Apple saw the theme removed from the ModMyI repository. The theme was available from Cydia since February, … Read More
Untethered Jailbreak for iOS 4.3.1 Released by Dev Team
On Sunday evening the Dev-Team released the latest editions of PwnageTool and redsn0w to provide an untethered jailbreak for devices running iOS 4.3.1 – almost three years since the first version of PwnageTool was released for the 1.1.4 firmware. The jailbreak works on all devices that support the 4.3.1 firmware, except for the iPad 2. You can download PwnageTool for Mac, … Read More
Cydia Updated: Now Smaller, Faster, More Stable
Cydia creator Jay Freeman – also known as ‘Saurik’ – posted an announcement on Twitter yesterday to declare that Cydia 1.1 is now ready for download on jailbroken iPhones, iPod touches, and iPads. This update makes Cydia smaller, faster, and much more stable. Saurik spoke to the iPhoneDownloadBlog and gave the following details on what Cydia 1.1 can do: Has … Read More
iBookstore Purchases Blocked and Unreadable on Jailbroken Devices
What seems like Apple’s latest attempt to deter jailbreakers has emerged today after the company has blocked jailbroken devices from opening books purchased from the iBookstore. The latest version of iBooks – 1.2.1 – triggers a “jailbreak check” before it opens a DRM-protected book and then refuses to open it if it detects that the device is jailbroken. The message … Read More
Untethered Jailbreak for iOS 4.2.1 Coming Soon
Just days after the public release of iOS 4.2.1, the iPhone Dev-Team released a jailbreak which allowed iOS devices running the latest firmware to be jailbroken. However, some devices, such as the iPhone 4, the latest iPod Touch, and the iPad, require a tethered jailbreak that meant you to had to connect your device to iTunes in order to boot … Read More