6 iPhone Jailbreak Apps and Tweaks To Enhance Email

One of the main uses of any smartphone is email and while the iPhone’s email client meets many needs there are a variety of tweaks that can help take it to a whole other level thanks to those clever developers in the Jailbreak community. Here is a list of 6 jailbreak apps and tweaks for your iPhone. 1. Mail Enhancer … Read More

Multitasking on iPhone and iPad Using Jailbreak Apps [Cydia]

multitasking switching iphone

When iOS 4 was introduced a little under a year ago it brought with it a feature that many users of iOS devices was looking for, namely multitasking, and more importantly fast app switching. While the theory of fast app switching was good Apple’s first attempt didn’t quite meet all the requirements. Activating the native task switcher is a double … Read More

CleverPin – Secure your iPhone 4 with Flexibility [Jailbreak]

I’ve always wanted to make my iPhone 4 as secure as possible so always made use of the automatic pin locking functionally and even had it set to lock after just a minute on inactivity. However, while this made it nice and secure should the phone fall into the wrong hands it also made it a little frustrating when I … Read More

Why did I Jailbreak my iPhone 4

jailbreak iPhone 4

When I invested in my iPhone 4 it was my first foray into into Apple’s cell phones. I had used both an Apple iPad and iPod Touch before so I pretty much knew what I was letting myself in for. I also knew what a big investment it was going to be but after years of frustration with my various … Read More