League of Angels – Fire Raiders is out now on a mobile near you


GTArcade’s 2014 Facebook MMORPG success story, League of Angels – Fire Raiders, is available now on iOS and Android. As ever, you’ll be collecting a ton of heroes and angels, customising them to match your playstyle, then sending them out to defeat the forces of evil. There’s a bunch of PvE and PvP modes, like cross-server arena battles, co-op team … Read More

Horn Review – The Game that Defines what Mobile Gaming Can Be


Normally when a game starts I will attempt to skip through the numerous splash screens which detail the variety of parties involved in the production of the game, (much to their annoyance I’m sure). However, every now and again one splash screen will appear which fills your heart with hope that you are about to embark on gaming greatness. In … Read More

eBoo – space adventures HD Review: Tempts you with its easy-going style

eBoo - space adventures HD iPad-1

Rating: eBoo – space adventures HD Review: eBoo is a cute, kid-style game where you pilot a flying saucer through courses in the hopes of collecting stars, flipping switches and levers, avoiding obstacles and eventually fighting battles and saving the world. You are a green, square-ish creature that is recruited into the army to pilot a flying saucer. Your drill instructor … Read More