Bad news for Apple and RIM shareholders today, as the two smartphone giants lost out to Eastman Kodak in a the latest round of their patent dispute.
Apple Patents Real World Multi-player Gaming [Laser Tag]
We see a lot of Patents filed by a lot of companies, especially Apple. And many of these never see the light of day. But this one has so much potential, and sounds so much fun I find myself both hoping it does come to fruition, and wondering what exactly it is that I hope to get to play! My … Read More
Landscape & Portrait Induction Charing Dock for Future iOS Devices
One of the biggest irritations with both the iPad and the iPhone is having to plug it in to charge or sync. Second only to that is having to place it in a portrait orientation in a dock. If you want to use your iPhone or iPad any other way around you have to buy an accessory, or prop it … Read More
Apple Patents iPhone E-Ticket System
Apple is essentially famous for two things; great products people enjoy using and creating news by filing patents. Apple is probably one of the most prodigious patent filers in all of Silicon Valley. A whole subset of Apple watchers has grown up around trying to discern the viability of the patents granted to Cupertino. Recently PatentlyApple detailed one of the … Read More
Apple patents “peer to peer financial transactions”
Could peer to peer financial transactions be part of the iPhone OS 4.0 sneak peek? Seems strange that it should suddenly pop up online now. I find the whole US patent thing a bit strange. It appears that anyone can patent anything, and then it’s a big free for all in court where the lawyers make out like bandits. In … Read More