10 Promo Codes Giveaway: SimplyTweet 1.7 (Now Live)

SimplyTweet 1.7 is finally live and the developer (@simplytweet) just sent us 10 Promo Codes for giveaway!

The next version will feature themes and push notification!

You can win SimplyTweet, a powerful twitter app for your iPhone/iPod touch by Retweeting this Post (use the green tweet badge)

Read SimplyTweet Review

Main Changes in 1.7

– HootSuite integration: importing of Twitter accounts from HootSuite
– Add Posterous support for long tweets
– Tags support for Posterous: Hashtags in picture uploads to Posterous
are now converted to Posterous tags
– Allows you to choose from hashtags in the message you are replying to
– Changed Friends and Followers browsing (not picking of contacts for
tweet draft, etc) to paginate instead of loading all at 1 go
– Links to a user’s photos in TwitPic could not be opened from the
Tweet View. This is fixed.
– Display tweet count in account view
– Show different bubble colors when a tweet mentions your account (any
of your accounts) or is sent by you (any of your accounts)
– Added setting for changing image compression
– Add setting for alternative Retweet style (via)
– You can now delete a tweet if it is sent from any of your accounts.
Previously you can only delete tweets sent by the current account
– Landscape view for builtin web browser

– Bug fix: typing a recipient in DM draft view, followed by rotating
to landscape view and then back to portrait again will crash the app
– Bug fix: timestamp in message view does not respect settings for
timestamp format
– Bug fix: swiping across the upper pane in the account view which
reveal the swipe short buttons (it should not)
– Bug fix: while composing a tweet/DM, if the contacts picker window
is opened and then closed, the tweet/DM contents is sometimes wiped
– Bug fix: opening conversation from search results or a saved view did not work
– Fix bug: In post view, screen can be rotated right before camera
appears, causing unpredictable UI oddity
– Fix bug: Images which are too large could not be displayed in the photo viewer
– Bug fix: Long descriptions appear truncated in the account view
– While performing certain actions that pop up a dialog, e.g. while
sending a tweet, if the device is rotated, the dialog will remain in
portrait view, whereas the rest of the screen will rotate. This has
now been fixed.

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Price $3.99


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