Apple today introduced the new MacBook Pro which feature the best processors, FaceTime HD camera, all-new graphics and new I/O technology called Thunderbolt. The update will certainly improve the performance and Apple still promises 7 hours of battery life on a single charge.
Among other updates Apple also provided an extended preview of the upcoming Mac OS X Lion. The next major release of Mac OS X will bring new ways to interact with our Macs.
You can take advantage of multi-touch gestures on your iMac with the Magic Trackpad and use the Trackpad on your MacBook Pro or MacBook Air.
Mac OS X Lion introduces new gestures and animations which work just like the iPad! During ‘Back to the Mac’ event Steve Jobs said that they would bring their best technologies from the iPad to the Mac and with the new multi-touch gestures we believe our Macs will become more intuitive than ever.
Apple has posted a video preview of some of the gestures and animations which we will see when the OS is available later this summer.
We had already seen most of the gestures like pinch to activate launchpad, swipe left and right to view application pages. The video reveals the ability to swipe to the left when viewing the desktop to view the dashboard just like you can activate spotlight on your iPad. You swipe up to view Mission Control where similar applications are arranged in groups. Like the iOS devices Mac OS X Lion will allow you to ‘tap to zoom’ on a webpage to focus on text and pinch to zoom to enlarge the page. Apple also introduces new swipe to navigate animation for Safari.
All of this looks every exciting and this will probably be the closest we’ll get to multi-touch iMacs in a long time to come.