iPod Touch (4G) 4th Gen Now Shipping

iPod touch 4G Shipping

iPod touch 4G Shipping

9TO5Mac are reporting that Apple are starting to ship iPod touch (4G) fourth gen to customers today. Delivery is slated as the 14th of September on most orders.

So hopefully early next week we should see lots of YouTube videos as people try to figure out if the Retina Display in the iPod Touch 4G is really an iPhone 4 Retina display, or something else entirely!

We might also see some more tear-downs, other than the FCC one from over the weekend. Have you ordered a new iPod? Which model? Have you got shipping info yet? Let us know in the comments…


18 Comments on “iPod Touch (4G) 4th Gen Now Shipping”

  1. nikola tesla

    I ordered mine the first day, right now it’s in alaska expected to arrive at my house september 9th!!

  2. Joshnmyself

    Ordered mine on the 1st with next day shipping. My arrival date is sept. 9th. I just hope it takes better HD video than my droid incredible, although I don’t care about the low resolution stills, my phone has a great still camera.

  3. Tdawg

    I ordered mine on the 1st when it came out, but I haven’t gotten any shipment information. I’m assuming it should arrive on the 14th, I guess.

  4. Nexusone

    I ordered mine on september 1st and delivery is on september 9th at 10:30am,i live in california

  5. Anonymous

    The new iPod Touch is just amazing, only problem is, what will happen to those people who had their old 3G? Just kiss and good-bye, I guess?

  6. Tgibby22

    32 gb one i can’t wait =] the only things i’m disappointed about are the still camera (it will do for everyday photos though) , non ips display, and the shape. Don’t get me wrong it looks great but i was hoping for an iphone 4-esque design :/

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