iPhone 5S A7 Processor Tech Specs Leaked?

iphone 5S A7 chip

iphone 5S A7 chip

The new iPhone 5S which is rumored to be announced on September 10th will reportedly feature A7 processor. According to a tweet by Clayton Morris of Fox News, the all-new A7 processor could be 31% faster than the previous A6 chip. This is the first time we’re hearing about the tech specs of the new A7 chip.

Morris also claims that the new iPhone 5S will support a dedicated chip for motion tracking. The new chip could be used for advanced camera software upgrades in the new hardware.

iOS 7 uses complex transparency and blur effects as an underlaying layer of the entire operating system. Updating the blurs and transparency in real time while tracking the users’ motion uses a lot of computational power. These effects have been turned off in older generation devices as noted in the beta version of iOS 7 since the older gen processors can’t handle the load.

It makes sense that Apple would launch the next gen iPhone with a faster A7 processor to handle the advanced UI techniques used in iOS 7. If the A7 indeed offers 31% speedier performance it would certainly make for a good upgrade option for iPhone 4S and even iPhone 5 users.

The new iPhone 5S is widely expected to be unveiled with a gold color option and also be available in 128GB version. Alongside iPhone 5S Apple is also expected to announce iPhone 5C release date which will be a low-cost iPhone in a plastic body with the same 4inch retina display.


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