Apple Takes Ownership of

Apple iCloud Domain Transfer Complete

Apple on Wednesday took ownership of the domain “”. The domain name was earlier believed to be obtained by Apple Inc., however, now Apple has already confirmed that they will be announcing their upcoming cloud based services during WWDC keynote presentation. was rumoured to have been sold to the Cupertino outfit for $4.5 million.

This change in ownership now gives Apple complete control over the domain name and will be able to redirect it to and other internal pages. Currently, redirects to Xcerion’s own service that has been renamed to Apple is now listed as admin contact for as well, possibly claiming any domains related to their streaming service, so as not to cause any diluting of it’s brand and service prior to trademark which is already underway.

Apple has already confirmed that its cloud based services called “iCloud” will be introduced at WWDC 2011, alongside a preview for Mac OS X Lion and iOS 5. Apple is expected to reveal iCloud as a subscription based service integrated into it’s mobile and desktop software, which could be the reason behind the announcement being made during an event where Apple will discussing only software related updates. Until Apple’s WWDC announcements on Monday, stay tuned, we’ll keep you in the loop.

[Via MacRumors]


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