Apple aired two new iPhone ads this week titled “Gamers” and “Reservations”. Both ads are similar to the ones Apple aired when introducing the new iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus. The ads have been voiced over by Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake.
The new TV ads highlight iOS 8 continuity feature and Apple’s A8 chip that enhances gaming on the new phones. In “Reservations” the ad shows how users can use any iOS 8 device to make a call. iPad and Macs connect to the iPhone over bluetooth and function as a speakerphone for the iPhone giving users the freedom to accept and reject calls from any Apple device that offers the continuity feature.
The ad titled “Gamers” shows off the graphics capabilities of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus. The ad feature the game Vainglory by Super Evil Megacorp that takes advantage of the high performance the new chip and Metal API offers.
iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus have proved to be the biggest launch success for Apple and the company is still catching up with the demand worldwide. The bugger screen phone has been more successful in the Asian market when compared to the US and the UK.
While Apple continues to advertise the features of its new phones its competitors Samsung and Microsoft are focusing on comparing their offering with Apple’s latest devices.
What do you think about the new TV ads from Apple? Do you like the new ads? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.