Apple has launched new TV ad campaigns, focusing on the App Store and the range of apps offered for iOS devices. On Sunday, Apple aired two new TV ads for its iPad and iPad mini, called ‘Alive’ and ‘Together’, highlighting the over 300,000 apps available for the device. The ads, both of which had a similar theme, showed a number of words flashing across the screen, stopping at a few to describe the device.
At the same time, applications from the App Store were in use on the iPad including AmpliTube,, GarageBand, TED, iMovie, iBooks, Dinosaur Zoo, Toca Hair Salon, Vimeo, Rockmate, Glow Hockey 2 HD, and FaceTime.The ads arrive after Apple launched a billboard campaign with a similar theme, and seem to accompany the billboards posted along many highways and train stations in major metropolitan areas.
Apple’s latest ad campaign appears to show a range of applications from gaming and reading, to built in features such as FaceTime. In a 9to5Mac report about the new Apple ad, the site posted a tweet from one of its users, which noted that the hands using the device in the new ads change depending on the type of app. At one point, a baby appears to be using one of the word identification applications in the ad, “Together”.
Apple’s ad campaigns have been highly successful in the past, particularly those introduced for the iPad mini following its release. Apple has always been focused on the usability of a device instead of the device’s technology since the introduction of the original iPad in 2010. However, the company appears to be refocusing its ads on the applications available for the device, which has also played a large part in the iPad’s success.
{Via MacRumors}