Accordéon Rating:
Writing the review for this application is possibly one of the most difficult reviews that I’ve ever had to write. Actually, let me rephrase that. Most difficult I’ve had to score. I’ll write my review and then perhaps you’ll see what I mean.
Accordéon is exactly that, it’s an accordéon simulator for the iPad and in that it does exactly what it should do:-
It looks like an accordéon.
It plays like an accordéon.
It sounds like an accordéon.
The Accordéon app loads to the view of the accordéon itself with the piano like keys on one side and the buttons on the others. Holding the iPad just as you would a real accordéon and using the multi-touch capabilities you can play it just as if was in fact a real accordéon, and what’s even more impressive is that it sounds like a real accordéon too. Now I say that’s impressive, the sound of the accordéon is a pretty unique sound and so it won’t appeal to everyone, but it is realistic.
That’s pretty much all that can be said about this app, it looks like an accordéon, it sounds like an accordéon, the only thing is who really want’s to play an accordéon in real life let alone on the iPad, other than the obvious price difference that it’s.
So there’s my dilemma, Accordéon does exactly what it’s supposed to do and for that it gets a (5/5). However, it’s not going to stay on my iPad because after the initial amusement of playing an accordéon the enjoyment wears a little thin meaning there is little replay value get it a score more like a (1/5). With that being said I’ll split the difference and give it (3/5).
Take a look at it yourself if you like from this official clip of the app from the developer himself.
The Good
- It looks like an accordéon.
- It plays like an accordéon.
- It sounds like an accordéon.
The Not So Good
- Little replay value after initial amusement
Price: $3.99 (iTunes Store Preview)
Updated: Apr 06, 2010
Reviewed Version: 1.0.1
Size: 4.4 MB
Language: English
Seller: Alexander Komarov
© Alex Komarov Inc. and Sergey Rachok
Rated 4+
Requirements: Compatible with iPad. Requires iPhone OS 3.2 or later.
2 Comments on “Accordéon iPad Music App Review”
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it is a great apps and a good review as well. There are about 2500 apps released in the store so far.