According to a report from Japanese site Macotakara, Apple is already planning to release a 5th generation iPad (5G) as early as March 2013. Apple released the 4th generation iPad (4G) alongside the new iPad mini less than two months ago. The 4th generation retained the same design as the 3rd generation but received the new Lightning connector, a faster A6X chip and a FaceTime HD front facing camera.
Now, the 5th generation iPad is expected to receive more design changes than the current generation, including a significantly thinner and lighter design as well as the mono-crystalline diamond-cut edges that the current iPod touch, iPod Nano, and iPad mini carry.
However Chinese news ZOL (CBS Interactive) reported next iPad mini in AppleInsider’s article, according to my inside source, iPad(5th) may be released in March, 2013.
Source told that, design of this new iPad will be like iPad mini in detail, and be thinner and lightweight.
According to the report, the new iPad 5G will be 4mm shorter than the current generation, and will also be 17mm smaller in width and 2mm thinner in terms of depth. If Apple in fact releases this iPad in March as expected, then the company will have released two iPad generations in less than 5 months, entirely eliminating a set time in the year for product launches. Macotakara has a good track record for reporting on Apple launches, having reported accurately on the design of this year’s iPod nano and iPod touch.
{Via MacRumors}