Apple dodged more than one bullet at their iPhone 4 Press Conference yesterday. Some that I think many people had not even seen coming. But that’s because by definition most industry observers, or journalists, are followers and not leaders. Being a leader is something that Apple very certainly is used to – and good at. Some pundits went into the … Read More
Apple engineer warned about iPhone 4 antenna issues
Bloomberg is reporting this morning that Apple engineer Ruben Caballero warned Apple CEO Steve Jobs about issues with the iPhone 4 that could potentially lead to dropped calls. Ruben Caballero, whose a senior engineer and an antenna expert, Informed Apple’s management that iPhone 4 design may cause reception issues. The same report also claims that a carrier partner also raised … Read More
Will Apple (AAPL) Recall iPhone 4 Due to Reception Issues? (Poll)
You know that an issue with a device has hit the mainstream media when Jeremy Clarkson works it into an introduction for The Stig on BBC’s Top Gear! For those that don’t know “The Stig” is a legendary, almost mythological character who never takes his racing helmet off, and test drives cars for the UK based, but internationally famous, and … Read More