iPhone, iPad Games, Apps, Reviews, News Thu, 16 Jul 2015 12:57:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 SPY Mouse Review: It’s All About the Cheese (and Those Pesky Cats) Mon, 29 Aug 2011 20:55:38 +0000 Read More]]> SPY Mouse for iPhone-2

[rating: 5/5]

SPY Mouse Review: A Pac-Man style game for iPhone that is nothing but squeaky fun.

The object of the game is cheese. Well, having your mouse get the cheese out of the cat-infested houses along the path. Each house has it’s own maze-type layout that makes for interesting challenges to be worked through. Multiple cats, sleeping cats, cats in the middle of the room, cats near the door, etc. all require different spy strategies to successfully maneuver around.

The game controls are easy to master. Put your finger on the mouse and draw a line where you want it to go. The mouse follows that path, but only goes at certain speeds, so you’re not just dragging the mouse along. There’s a bit of timing in drawing the lines as well, to avoid the patrolling cats. In some homes, there are mouse holes that allow you to pop from room to room. It can be great fun to duck into a mouse hole and watch the cat slam into the wall right behind you.

SPY Mouse for iPhone-3

You can actually befriend a cat too, through an in-app purchase, to help you fight fire with fire. But managing on your own is also an option. As the game goes along, the challenge increases with additional cats to avoid and more difficult paths that must be navigated. And watch out for the mousetraps!

The cute graphics, animations, and comedic spy-show music put you in a happy mood just opening up the app. The simple look and interface trick you into thinking the game is also simple, until you get nabbed a few times.

SPY Mouse for iPhone-1

There are some games I play because I have to. Then there are some games I play because I want to. SPY Mouse {$.99} is definitely one of the latter. This one’s going on my short list.



]]> 5 Apple features Game Center Enabled Games on App Store Thu, 09 Sep 2010 16:45:20 +0000 Read More]]> Game Center Games

Yesterday Apple released iOS 4.1 update which fixed the annoying slow performance bug for iPhone 3G users and proximity sensor bug for iPhone 4 users.

iOS 4.1 also added the new Game Center which enables you to connect with your friends, challenge them and play multiplayer games. In order to increase the replay value of a game, developers often integrate the ability to upload highscores to the leaderboard and sharing via social media.

Apple’s Game Center was expected to be released with iOS version 4.0 but was delayed due to some issues, one would have expected that Apple decided to spend some more time in adding more features but it turns out that Game Center is still very limited.

There is no doubt that we’ll see many developers integrating Game Center in their existing and upcoming games. Popular iPhone game developers and publishers have already expressed their interest in adopting Game Center and it would be interesting to see this new ecosystem grow further.

Apple recently updated the App Store and featured some of the popular games which now take advantage of Game Center:

Real Racing ($4.99)

Zen Bound 2 Universal ($2.99)

Cannon Challenge 2 ($2.99)

PAC-MAN ($4.99)

Nanosaur ($3.99)

Worldly Wings ($1.99)

Flight Control ($0.99)

FarmVille by Zynga (FREE)

Fieldrunners ($2.99)

Megaplex Madness – Now Playing ($2.99)

Cocoto Magic Circus ($2.99)

Cro-Mag Rally ($2.99)

GraalOnline Classic+ ($1.99)

Isaac newton’s Gravity ($2.99)

Enigmo 2 ($2.99)

WordsWorth ($1.99)

Adrenaline Golf Online ($2.99)

Touchgrind ($4.99)

If you discover any new games with Game Center integration then please include the name and link to the App Store in the comments section below. You may also include your Game Center username (add “TouchReviews”) in order to let others add you as friend.

]]> 1 CatchMe! if you can for iPhone Will Steal Your Heart Thu, 21 Jan 2010 20:00:15 +0000 Read More]]> CatchMe! if you can [rating: 5/5]

CatchMe! if you can from ODD1 is a classic arcade-style maze game in the same tradition of Pac-Man. As a thief, its your job to run around the maze and collect as much gold as possible before time expires and without getting caught.

Opposing you in each level are a set of guards. Whereas in most games capture means the end of the game, this game has a nice little twist. If you’re captured by a guard, you switch jobs and become the guard trying to catch the thief. If you catch a thief you switch back again. Although its a nice twist on the typical outcome of maze games, it is certainly in your best interest to not get caught. The timer does not reset when you switch back and forth between player types and since only the thief can collect the gold that advances you through levels, you must recapture the thief as quickly as possible if you are caught by a guard.

The interface is easy to pick up and use. Character movement is performed using a virtual directional pad. Anyone that’s ever held a classic NES controller in their hands will recognize its operation and appearance. I did find my hand would miss the controller occasionally. I don’t know if this is because of the screen layout or controller scheme. I did get used to it after a couple of games though.

In conjunction with movement around the screen, each character has a special ability they can access through an interface button. Thieves can jump over walls and each of the three guard types can either sprint faster, set a trap, or reveal the map. All special abilities are time limited but can be reused. Hold the ability button to make use of this special skill.

CatchMe! if you can provides a really nice variety in types of game play. There are two main modes of play; Story and Challenge. Story Mode is a linear, campaign style mode where you work through progressively harder levels. Collect the allotted amount of gold as a thief to unlock the next level and progress. You can also replay previously unlocked levels if you want. Select the level to start at when you enter Story Mode. Challenge Mode allows the player to access standalone levels. One standalone level is provided to begin with and others can be unlocked later.

One of the truly innovative features of CatchMe! if you can! though is the Band of Thieves mode. Most social gaming systems are centered around individual achievement and comparing that achievement with others. This game puts a different spin on that through cooperative social gaming. At the end of each level you have the chance to select the Send to Vault option. This takes you to the Band of Thieves screen where your treasure is added to the treasure all of the other players in the world have contributed to the pot. When the Current Treasure value reaches the indicated level, new content will be unlocked for all by ODD1. What a neat idea! By everyone contributing to a common goal, every one benefits. The Band of Thieves screen can also be accessed from the Main Menu to view the current progress.

CatchMe! if you can is a great game that takes an innovative view of social gaming. Let it steal the money out of your pocket to buy it today.

The Good:

The Not So Good:

Reviewed By: Erin Peterson

Gameplay Video

Price: $1.99 (iTunes Store) as of 21 Jan
Reviewed Version: 1.0
Size: 11.6 MB
Seller: ODD1

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