Lego: Life of George Review There are times when two things that you hold dear collide and instead of becoming even greater than the sum of their parts they become a monster. Take my love of all things deep fat fried and Cadbury Creme Eggs, put them together and it becomes a sickly sweet mess. But then you can take … Read More
Engage In a food fight between Humans and Monsters In Monsterz Revenge for iPhone
Rating: Monsterz’ Revenge is a game that pits you and the rest of monster-kind against fast food chains that are taking over the monster graveyard. This game is a food fight between the humans and the monsters and you’re on the side of the monsters. You can play mini-games and it also features Farmville style customization of your graveyard. Monsterz … Read More
‘Max and the Magic Marker’ Game Review for iPad. It’s Addictive
Rating: Max and the Magic Marker is an extremely addictive game for the iPad that combines awesome graphics with a unique user interaction that sets it apart from most games. The story begins with Max getting a mysterious magic marker in the mail. Max’s first drawing with the marker is a monster. As soon as Max has finished his drawing … Read More