The next version of Apple’s iOS operating system, iOS 6, is expected to be released during the company’s WWDC 2012 conference starting on July 11. Various reports in the recent past have mentioned that the next software update will bring a number of features, including major updates to Siri, Apple’s personal assistant software.
Now that Siri is running on the iPhone 4S and the new iPad 3 has gotten voice dictation, there is every reason to believe that Siri might in fact be coming to Apple’s popular tablet computer. On Monday, a report from 9to5Mac mentioned that Apple may be bringing Siri over to the iPad 3 with iOS 6, allowing users to access all of the features by holding down the home button on the iPad, the same way it currently operates on the iPhone 4S (mock up of potential Siri design).
Siri on the iPad is activated by a quick hold of the home button, just like on the iPhone 4S. The interface slides up from below the display with a clever animation. Siri is built into the iPad as a small window on top of whatever interface the user is currently interacting with. This Siri window with rounded corners sits at the bottom center of the display, as you can see in our mockup above. The Siri iPad interface takes very little space over the iPad interface currently in use, and is designed with the same linen texture as on the iPhone 4S. Siri for iPad also works from the lock screen.
It is unclear if Apple will announce the feature during the company’s annual WWDC conference or hold off until the public release. During the conference, Apple generally provides developers with an early preview of the software and allows them to test out the new features prior to its release several months later. It is also unclear whether developers will get access to Siri on the iPad 3 prior to any public release.
{via MacRumors — Image Credit: 9to5 Mac}
]]> 14It’s here again. Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC 2012) is back and is scheduled for June 11. Apple announced early Wednesday that WWDC 2012 would be held from June 11 through the 15 in San Francisco, as it is every year. Tickets for the conference sold out in under two hours this year, beating out WWDC 2011 tickets sales which sold out in under twelve hours.
“We have a great WWDC planned this year and can’t wait to share the latest news about iOS and OS X Mountain Lion with developers,” said Philip Schiller, Apple’s senior vice president of Worldwide Marketing. “The iOS platform has created an entirely new industry with fantastic opportunities for developers across the country and around the world.”
This year’s conference will likely focus on OS X Mountain Lion, which is due for release later this summer, and iOS 6 which will probably appear during the conference in the form of a developer preview. Apple mentioned in their announcement that they would have about 100 technical sessions for developers, with over 1,000 Apple engineers to help attendees of the event.
The time frame for the event isn’t very surprising, when considering the fact that Apple typically holds the conference during this time of the year, in order to announce its product releases chronologically; Mac OS X release, iOS with iPhone, iPod and then the iPad at the beginning of the following year.
WWDC is Apple’s premier event, of which other events eventually derive, such iOS 6 and the Apple’s iDevices following up the announcement a few months later. Developers who currently hold tickets to the event may encounter higher than usual prices on flights and hotel bookings, not only because of the massive increase in flight purchases, but because of the U.S Open golf championship being held in San Francisco, as well as the slew of vacationers who head west during this time of year.
{via MacRumors}
]]> 4The app is simple to setup, locations can be setup either using the iPhone location service to set you current location or you can search locations world wide. You can also add multiple locations and switch between them with a simple swipe of the screen.
With a location set the screen loads with multiple pieces of weather related information from the current, minimum and maximum daily temperatures to current humidity, precipitation, pressure and visibility all encased in a beautifully animated weather background based on the current conditions and a digital clock in the center.
Weather Live looks beautiful, it pops off the screen and the information is presented clearly and concisely. That being said there are customizations to me made in many areas to get the display to be just how you like.
While having all of the details loaded provides you with he maximum amount of information taking it down to the text only options provides the best view of the gorgeous animated backdrops.
Also under your control are the temperature and distance units, clock settings and alerts for when the temperature drops below zero. As previously mentioned you can also enable the temperature badge to display the current temperature on your home screen. I’ve had mixed results with this and while it displays it doesn’t always update as I would expect it to without going into the app first.
Weather Live is now my new ‘screensaver’ for both my iPhone and iPad, it’s informative, great looking and simple to use, the only feature I miss is that I would love to be able to see some of the other weather animations that I may never get to see living in mid-west
What we like:
What to know:
EA Mobile recently announced their upcoming game for iPhone/iPod touch called “R-Type” The game is a classic side scrolling shoot-em-up arcade game in which you control a space fighter to defend humanity.
R-Type for iPhone keeps 100% true to the original game allowing fans to get back to the ‘80s video-arcade experience in the palm of their hands.
R-Type for iPhone and iPod touch will be coming soon from EA Mobile.
pressHOME visited FISHLABS at gamescom and took a look at ‘Rally Master Pro’ for iPhone and iPod touch.
The game is still in beta but the graphics, gameplay and controls look absolutely stunning!
View the fact sheet and screenshots here
Gameplay Video ‘Rally Master Pro’ for iPhone (German)
]]> 0Archon is hailed as a perfect hybrid of strategy and fast-action combat. You take control of either the Light or Dark team, each with their unique line-up of creatures. Strategically move your pieces on the chess-like board to capture squares. If you move onto an enemy square however, real-time battle ensues in the Combat Arena! Dodge with your Dragon or weave with your Unicorn and defeat your enemy. The combat victor captures the square on the Strategy Board. You win a game by annihilating your opponent’s team or claiming all 5 “Power Squares.” With over 16 unique characters, no game is ever the same. Find your perfect strategy to claim to coveted “Archon” rank.
Archon was first released in 1983 for the Atari 800, then later ported to other popular platforms of the time. The iPhone version is the first major release in over 15 years.
Archon Screenshots
What do you think about this game? Leave us a comment.
]]> 7Radial 50 Gameplay
Radial 50 – Leaderboards and More
The primary objective of Radial 50 is to survive 50 rounds of increasingly difficult gameplay and over those rounds achieve the highest score possible. To pass each round, you will use the iPhone or iPod touch screen to control the paddle to project the ball towards the targets. Striking the targets will eventually unlock the center defense, allowing you to strike the inner most target and advance to the next round. If you miss the ball, allowing it to strike the outer playfield wall, you will lose paddle health. Letting the ball strike the wall too many times will eliminate all health. Health will regenerate over time, but once you lose all health the game is over.
Scoring is the goal in Radial 50, and there are plenty of ways to do it. Major scoring areas include striking targets and target multipliers, collecting target particles, completing each round and doing so quickly, and special bonus point events.
Location Based Leaderboards
Each time you record a final score it will be recorded to the Radial 50 leaderboard. Your score will appear in the overall Radial leaderboard along with all other player’s scores, your phone’s individual leaderboard, and a number of additional leaderboards based on your location. Location leaderboards include your city, your state/province, and country geographical regions. Your scores on these leaderboards will be posted along with your unique profile information.
Achievements can be earned and new achievements unlocked by accomplishing tasks in Radial 50. For example, reaching Level 50 is an achievement and earning this achievement unlocks additional achievements. Achievements do not earn you points towards the leaderboard during a game session, but trying to earn them is a good way to increase your skills and set yourself apart from other players.
Come back soon for more information! Tell us what you think about this game in the comments.
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