Apple is expected to introduce the iPhone 5 next month, with reports that there may also be two new cases introduced alongside the fifth gen iPhone. However, prior to this announcement, Apple has added a new color to the Bumper case line-up, the first change to case line since its introduction with the iPhone 4. On Tuesday, Apple went ahead and added a (PRODUCT) RED version of the Bumper case for the iPhone 4S / 4 to the already available assortment of colors.
Currently, Apple offers black, white, blue, pink, orange, and green, all of which were introduced in 2010 and did not experience any major changes, aside from a change in ringer switch size to accommodate the iPhone 4S.
This is not the first time that Apple is offering (PRODUCT) RED products, with the Cupertino company offering a red iPod nano and Shuffle, iPad Smart Covers, iTunes Gift Cards and now the Bumper. (PRODUCT) RED products from Apple sends a portion of the sale goes towards the Global Fund in helping to fight AIDS in Africa. The red iPhone 4S / 4 Bumper is currently shipping in 4-6 days from the Apple Online Store, as opposed to the normal Bumper which ships in 24 hours.
{via 9to5 Mac}
]]> 2Apple’s next generation iPhone 5 is expected to be releases later this fall and numerous news reports and images spreading across the web suggest that the announcement is imminent.
On Monday, a report from AppleInsider speculated that Apple is in fact already working on accessories for the upcoming iPhone 5 release. The report mentions that the first case is likely a Bumper case, which was introduced with the iPhone 4 and would likely be adjusted to fit the larger 4 inch screen of the next gen iPhone.
However, the second case is reportedly a new and different design and is said to have “major impact on the accessory market.”. iLounge reported that while the case would disrupt third party case makers, the design would not be “hugely surprising”. Further speculation suggests there may even be a kickstand included in the case, as seen in some third party cases available for the iPhone 4S.
Early Monday, a report from iMore suggested that Apple’s sixth generation iPhone, as well as the rumored iPad Mini and perhaps even a new 5th gen iPod touch would be announced on September 12th. Apple announced availability of the Bumper case on the same day as the iPhone release, and released the Smart Cover on the release day of the iPad 2, so it is very likely that this iPhone 5 release would follow suit.
The next generation iPhone, being called the “iPhone 5” is expected to sport a larger 4 inch display, a smaller dock connector, as well as other minor changes including placement of headphone jack and FaceTime camera. The iPhone 5 is expected to be released alongside the public release of iOS 6.
]]> 3On Tuesday, a report from BGR suggested that Apple is planning to launch a completely redesigned iPhone 5 in the fall of next year. With Apple’s trend of releasing iPhones dubbed with ‘S’ followed by a redesign, it is very likely that Apple will redesign the back of the iPhone 5 with an all aluminum back, getting rid of Apple’s current all glass design.
The report also suggests that the new fifth gen iPhone will include a plastic bumper of sorts, possibly to keep direct skin contact away from the antennas on the bezel of the iPhone. With the introduction of the iPhone 4, Apple experienced a press meltdown with customers suggesting that skin contact with the antenna would drop calls and bars on the network. The plastic would resemble a bumper of some sorts, with the antenna lying underneath.
We have also learned that Apple is planning to use a rubber or plastic material — similar to the material used in the company’s bumper cases — that will be built into the new iPhone case. In all likelihood, this material will be used as a bezel surrounding the front edge of the phone (like the iPhone 3GS bezel) and it will serve two purposes. First, it will join the glass iPhone face with a new aluminum back plate. It will also cover a redesigned antenna system that surrounds the device, allowing Apple to build the rear case out of aluminum without having to use a large plastic insert above the antennas as the company does on its iPad 2 Wi-Fi + 3G.
Apple’s iPhone 5 with a redesign, A6 chip, and Siri improvements is expected to be released sometime in Fall 2012, similar to the release of the iPhone 4S. It is also possible that Apple was set to introduce the iPhone 5 this year, but delay in getting Siri ready for release pushed the release to 2012, and reused the iPhone 4 design for the iPhone 4S. Various announcement dates have been speculated for the new iPhone, including a February through April timeframe, and the new Fall 2012 time frame.
{via MacRumors}
]]> 15What is not clear is how Apple arrived at this figure. Assuming that Apple will sell approximately 6 million iPhones by September 30th, 2010 (which is the final day anyone can purchase an iPhone 4 and get a free case for), the cost of it case to Apple will be $29.16. Considering that the case sells at the store for $29.95, something does not add up. The estimated production cost of the bumper case (and cases similar to it) is anywhere between one to two dollars per case. Considering the minimalistic approach to product packaging and shipping, the cost of the case will top out at three dollars. So where is the rest of the $26.16 being used?
Although Apple has not released exact figures, one could deduce that Apple will incur additional costs such as Marketing, Infrastructure (web site and store infrastructure to process the free case orders), Personnel, and the cost of third party cases that will have to be sourced since Apple has already said that they will not be able to make that many bumper cases. What is also not known is whether or not Apple is including the estimate cost of returned iPhones in this figure as well.
Any which way Apple looks at it, it is definitely cheaper than the estimate of $1.5 billion that a complete recall would have cost Apple. It is clear that Apple wants to put this issue behind them.
Will you order a bumper case from Apple? Are you planning on returning your phone? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.
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