With Apple dominating all the recent headlines with there launch of the new iPad and the new Apple TV many other significant iOS news worthy items have fallen by the wayside and one of those is the latest update to Angry Birds Seasons.
The Cherry Blossom update adds an additional 15 levels + 2 bonus levels all to celebrate the Cherry Blossom festival in Japan while not as many as previous updates it should keep you entertained at least until you get your new iPad or the new Angry Birds: Space that is due to be released on March 22nd.
Both the iPhone and iPad versions of Angry Birds Seasons received this update recently and at 99c and $1.99 respectively continue to provide some of the best value for money in the App Store today.
Go and grab your update now and continue to rescue those eggs from those pesky pigs!
Are you still playing Angry Birds and if you are what to you think of this latest update? Let us know in the comments below or tweet me at @4forkssake.
]]> https://touchreviews.net/angry-birds-seasons-cherry-blossom-update/feed/ 0Rovio have never been a company that rests on it’s laurels and that doesn’t appear to be changing as only a few days after they launched their leading brand on Facebook, that they teased their millions of avid followers with a teaser of Angry Birds Space.
Little is known about what this brand new version of Angry Birds Space will bring to the table as the only official information so far is a launch date of March 22nd, a teaser ad that can be seen on the official website and a short 20 second teaser video has also been posted on YouTube.
A quote from the Rovio blog however does promise the following:-
Angry Birds Space is a completely new game with innovative new gameplay, but with some of the familiar Angry Birds elements that fans already know and love — plus some surprises!
Gravity, or more specifically a lack of it, could be put to good use here and I imagine that we will get to see some more birds too, but it remains to be seen how innovative this is and whether it can keep them flying high.
What new features would you like to see in Angry Birds Space, leave your thoughts in the comments below of tweet me, @4forkssake.
Fat Cats for iPhone and iPad is a game for all ages. It’s a simple pick up and play game that might seem a little familar to millions of people. The reason it might seem familiar? It has the same core concepts as Angry Birds. If you haven’t heard of Angry Birds, you must be living under a rock, just kidding.
Fat Cats takes from the wildly popular Angry Birds and gives you a slightly different style, with different story, different maps but same fun game-play. You might look at it and say that it is just another Angry Birds clone and you wouldn’t be far off. Who says you can build off of a successful platform?
Taking down greedy cats is the name of this game. Catapulting objects at symbols of greed is the primary goal. Along the way you can check out the witty backgrounds and their play on words. At times, the backgrounds were my favorite part of the game.
Fat Cats has a number of different characters that you will launch at the cats to clean them out. Some will drop things, some will launch super fast when you double tap and others split up like a shotgun shell. That being said, you’re trying to take out the money bags, diamonds and other symbols of greed while taking out the cats. The idea is to take out all of the symbols of greed as well as the cats in as few catapults as possible. Sound familiar?
The game definitely looks, acts and feels like Angry Birds so if you haven’t been able to get your Angry Birds fix then this game might be for you. I will say that the game doesn’t seem to be as polished as Angry Birds but does feel and act incredibly similar. At 99 cents, its something that is worth giving a shot but don’t expect it to outpace Angry Birds.
[rating: 3/5]
What we like:
What to know:
Apple has been experiencing high sales volume for the iPhone 4S, since its release late last year, in October. Apple, after releasing in the United States, began the roll out of the popular device in international markets, including China, however, after scalpers caused many problems in recent months, and a near riot in Apple’s Sanlitun retail store in Beijing, the Cupertino company has decided to halt sales of the device in-store “until further notice”.
Reuters reported early Friday that Apple stopped in-store sales after police restrained a massive crowd, causing riot behavior and unsafe conditions for both customers and employees. Scalpers are very common in Chinese Apple Stores, buying up iPhone and iPad stock, causing limited availability of the device, and then selling them at higher than suggested retail prices.
This illegal activity has caused tensions in Apple Stores which consistently run low on stock iOS devices and has also caused a major headache for police who must manage crowds of angry people on a regular basis.
“The demand for iPhone 4S has been incredible and our stores in China have already sold out,” an Apple spokeswoman said.
“Unfortunately, we were unable to open our store at Sanlitun due to the large crowd. And to ensure the safety of our customers and our employees, iPhones will not be available in our retail stores in Beijing and Shanghai for the time being,” she said.
Apple’s decision to halt in-store sales is a smart one, because of the negative press that they would receive by allowing a riot in one of their retail stores. With sales halted, online sales will be increasing, which could possibly lead to a number of crashes and errors on the Apple Online Store. It’ll be interesting to see how Apple’s PR team will handle this situation as the days progress and the announcement of an iPad 3 gets closer and closer.
]]> https://touchreviews.net/apple-suspends-sales-iphone-4s-china-concerns-safety/feed/ 2The graphics are sublimely simple with a solid black earth against a perfect white background, your angry business man is also cut out in solid black. The black and white color is interrupted on occasion with a splash of color in the form of selected obstacles that you’ll have to leap over.
The controls are pretty unique, to keep your business man running you have to keep the ground that he is running on flat. If he’s running up hill he’ll slow down and fall off of the back of the screen, while if he’s running down hill he’ll end up running head first off of the front of the screen.
To keep him balanced and centered in the screen you will have to rotate the iPhone/iPod touch/iPad, not just tilt, but a full rotate and this can be quite a challenge especially as you have to look out for those obstacles that will appear in your path.
Jumping the obstacles is easy, a simple tap on the screen and he’ll jump, tap and hold and he’ll jump further. You have to be quick though as this angry business man can run very fast.
At first I was only able to run to the first obstacle before hitting it. With a little practice though I was able to get further and further and this is where the addictive nature of the game comes in as you’ll always want just one more go to better your previous score.
Although this is all there is to the game it’s definitely worth the 99 cents that it will set you back, this is especially the case as it’s a universal app meaning that it will work on both your iPhone and iPad should you have them with a single purchase.
Global leader boards are offered with integration with OpenFeint but unfortunately at this point there is no Game Center integration.
If you are looking for a fun game that you can pick up and play instantly then look know further than Angry Business Man.