Apple’s annual music event did not really surprise us, almost all rumors and leaks reported were confirmed to be true when Steve Jobs introduced the new iPod lineup for the Holiday season. As reported earlier the new iPod touch 4G was expected to feature two cameras, gyroscope, A4 processor and retina display.
When Apple thinks about making a product “even better” they often change the design and add all the advanced features they have to offer. The new iPod touch is thinner than the previous generation models even though it manages to integrate two cameras and offers better battery life.
According to Apple previous gen iPod touch was the “funnest iPod ever” and now the fourth gen model tries to offer “all kinds of fun” The new iPod touch is powered by the same processor which iPhone 4 uses and even features a three-axis gyroscope. During the special music event Steve Jobs announced that the iPod touch surpassed the sales of iPod nano making it the best selling iPod and now it is also the “#1 portable gaming device”
Apple understands that users love the ability to play their favorite music, browse the internet and keep themselves entertained with high quality games. Apple’s custom A4 processor, gyroscope and retina display will offer enhanced gaming experience which would make it a must have device for anyone who loved any previous gen iPod touch model.
During WWDC 2010 when Steve Jobs announced the new iPhone 4 with FaceTime he also added that Apple will be shipping more than 10 million FaceTime enabled devices by the end of this year. FaceTime would only become popular if more people use it and now even the new iPod touch 4G enables you to video call over Wi-Fi.
The new iPod touch will probably prove to be great for HD video recording at 720p however, users might be disappointed with the camera’s ability to capture stills at less than one mega pixel. Since this is the first iPod touch model to feature a camera we can certainly expect Apple to improve this in the fifth gen iPod touch.
If you are still using second gen iPod touch, the fourth gen would certainly prove to be a great upgrade. And if you recently bought the third gen model you might want to skip this version if you don’t see yourself using FaceTime or enjoying the new retina display.
Have you pre-ordered your new iPod touch? Are you excited about FaceTime? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.
71 Comments on “New iPod touch 4G (4th gen) First Impressions”
Shoot I got this iPod 4g and it’s ridiculously amazing the resolution from the retina display is so nice compared to previous and it is a overall nice device. Great upgrade
wen u record vids with the ipod4g it makes a very annoying clicking noise unless you turn off the wifi. also it is extremely touch sensitive, because if you press your finger even just a little too hard it will distort the screen for a few seconds. lastly, the camera quality isnt wat they say it is. it’s still good but not wat I expected.other than that, it seems to be a pretty great piece of technology and I’m sure they’ll get out the bugs:)
which is the same with almost every ipod touch and iphone released. they are called touch screens, not press screens. touch is not applying pressure
What’s the release date in India?
They said it was going to come out sometime during the 3rd week of September and they lied 😐
Is this model going to be compatible with docking devices I am sick of buying docking devices only to be told when I plug in the Touch to be told….
“Charging is not supported…. blah, blah blahhhh” I don’t consider Bose equipment to be cheap unlike Apples backward compatibility!!
my daughter want the ipod toutch 4 am i going to have trouble setting it up
No, except you wallet may protest a little!
She should set it up herself>
ipod touch 3g games compatible for itouch 4g?? hack games … if not then i buy iotuch 3g
yeah i love ipod touch but i didint receiv it so im angry after themit been at least the 13 september i make my order i am at 29 now wat do i do it is not shipped so i dont no wat to do i call every days il kick they ass if i dont get it….peace i got the new itouch 4g yesterday BUT it is being a pain in the butt because it wont appear under the “devices” on itunes! IDK what to do?? :/ im kinda dissapointed!!!!
Go to start menu> right click on “My Computer”> Click Manage> Device Manager> Find The iPod> Right-Click on it and select “update device driver”
It Worked For Me
it looks really good
I went to the apple store today and they told me that you cannot exchange it becasue I didnt bought it from apple store and I said I thought it wouldnt matter if I had a serial number but their keep telling me that I cannot do anything about it IM VERY DISAPPOINTED IN APPLE NEVER BUYING ANYTHING FOR THEM
Its ok though because you can’t even write correctly.
I wouldn’t buy anything for them either!
I’ll give them £189 for an iPod though…
Did everyone just turn their units on and it worked straightaway ? Mine didn’t.
I found out the hard way – you cannot start using the device until it has been “activated” over the internet via iTunes version 10 or newer.
Unlike previous generation units, turning the unit on just brings up a screen requiring a connection to iTunes. It will do nothing else.
So you must have a means of connecting your brand new gadget to an internet connected computer with iTunes 10 or newer. If you have a Mac, you must be running OS X 10.5.x to be able to upgrade to iTunes 10.
Once it has been able to “call back” this first time through the iTunes store, it no longer needs to be connected to the internet to power up as normal.
Apple should be taken to task for not clearly stating this on the box – something like “Connection to iTunes Store required to activate”
Wowerz is one dumb fuck…
well i tell you what i think about the new ipod touch i think its freakin amazing i cant belive it omg man tell all about this crazy sh@t
okay so im dissaPOINTED with apple. i bought a 3rd gen *gb and they gave me a second gen. luckily it worked out for ma, as i am getting a 4th gen. i would wait for the 5th gen but i dont rlly want to, so yay! hopefully. anyone know a way i could get like 20 bucks fast?
no, 😀
you know, all 8GB itouches are 2nd gen, only the higher GB ones are 3rd gen.
The same thing happened to me. Apple is being a big rip off.
Just amazing. Hopefully, its front-facing can be usable for Skype as well.
ya it can xx
The new iPod touch does have two cameras. The front facing camera is VGA and
the rear facing camera records HD videos at 720p and does stills at less
than one mega-pixel.
Waiting for a couple of months won’t help. If you are waiting for the fifth
gen iPod touch then you’ll have to wait until September 2011.
i want the retina display and the A4 processor but i dont want the terrible camera. if this ipod had the same camera as the iphone, i would buy it INSTANTLY! i have the second gen touch and its working just fine, i just dont know if the retina display and A4 processor are worth buying a new one. should i wait one more year?
For iPod touch 2G owners, retina display and A4 processor are great new
features to consider upgrading. Most new games now offer enhanced graphics
which look great with retina display. A4 processor will make your overall
experience satisfactory too.
i agreee about the camera but i want the video camera, you can upload the videos directly to yourtube
im super psyched!!!!!
i agreee about the camera but i want the video camera, you can upload the videos directly to yourtube
im super psyched!!!!!
This is defenitly worth the upgrade. I’m with u, I have a 2nd gen ipod touch but I wand ALL those awesome features, I almost got a 3rd generation but there was almost no upgrade from the 2nd to the 3rd
8s camera s not that terrible @ all…see 4 yourself…upgrading today is definitely worth 8, besides, 8s not about d camera aftr all…
It’s funny how my 1st Generation iPod Touch stopped working this weekend after I left the NYC Apple Store. Kinda forces my hand to buy the new one that came out today. ..I was actually starting to feel the loss without it! (not into lugging my laptop around the city). ..So far, I like the new one. Although, it’s taking a VERY long time to set it up, wow.
Recently learning NYC transportation again, the Map feature gave me the bus & subway numbers & routed my directions & destination step by step. Pretty sweet! (Although, it doesn’t separate subway from bus, so I had to figure that one out on my own. summer days, no way to the subway smell!).
NOT liking the inability to order my photos. It’s worse than the 1st gen iTouch (which I still own). Very frustrating when the 3 photos of my late husband are set to the bottom of my photos (for my own privacy), but now with the new iTouch, it set them 1st & chooses itself to use one as the album cover. I do not like this.
You call sell a nonworking ipod touch (even first gen) to a refurbisher. Just put in a google search. Get cash for my ipod touch. Bam they will pay you $60 and send you money to send it.
You call sell a nonworking ipod touch (even first gen) to a refurbisher. Just put in a google search. Get cash for my ipod touch. Bam they will pay you $60 and send you money to send it.
It’s funny how my 1st Generation iPod Touch stopped working this weekend after I left the NYC Apple Store. Kinda forces my hand to buy the new one that came out today. ..I was actually starting to feel the loss without it! (not into lugging my laptop around the city). ..So far, I like the new one. Although, it’s taking a VERY long time to set it up, wow.
Recently learning NYC transportation again, the Map feature gave me the bus & subway numbers & routed my directions & destination step by step. Pretty sweet! (Although, it doesn’t separate subway from bus, so I had to figure that one out on my own. summer days, no way to the subway smell!).
NOT liking the inability to order my photos. It’s worse than the 1st gen iTouch (which I still own). Very frustrating when the 3 photos of my late husband are set to the bottom of my photos (for my own privacy), but now with the new iTouch, it set them 1st & chooses itself to use one as the album cover. I do not like this.
I recently bought my ipod 3g so is that mean I could ask apple to exchange my itouch for free? or do I have to pay for that money in order to buy itouch 4g?
you could just return yours and pay the extra bucks to get the new one…..
If I bought mine 3 months ago from Best Buy, do you think they would let me return it and pay extra to get the new 4g?
lol, thats kinda dumb thoughts there. The 3g and the 4g are different prices and different types. You would need to return and pay more.
lol, thats kinda dumb thoughts there. The 3g and the 4g are different prices and different types. You would need to return and pay more.
i asked bwt this, .i pay an additional 5o buckz though. btr go 2 ur nearest apple store…
in my case, i just bought mine 3 wks b4 the announcement of 4th gen…
Just an amazing device.
I have an ipod touch first generation, this is definitely the one I was waiting for as far as upgrading is concerned.
Though I’m excited about the faster CPU and retina display, I’m undecided if I’m going to get a 4th gen iPod touch or just skip ahead and wait for the 5th gen models. If I do get one it won’t be until next summer since I haven’t had my 3rd gen that long and would like a little more milage off of it before moving on.
One thing I’m unhappy to hear is about it being thinner. I was hoping it would be a little thicker like the iPhone 4 was.
I agree. My ipod is thin enough already. Im going to have to buy a thick case i guess. To ba dthey didnt just make it the exact same dimenstions as the iphone 4. I wouldnt have even minded it being squarerish.
Just amazing
WOWW im gettin mine at the end of the month but definitly upgrading to the 6 Gen. later, but yeahhh it sounds GREAT!! cant wait!
6 gen??? this is fourth!
lol, this persons living in the next century.
lol, this persons living in the next century.
Ordered mine the other week, it’ll be here FRIDAY! 😀 😀 😀
When do they come out??
I pre-ordered mine last night! waiting on it to come now…
Facetime? With whom? Skype has the better free program if Apple didn’t block them. Apple, like Skype, will be going after the income from calls to phones, not Facetime. My 4G will be a book reader unless Apple blocked the Kindle program. I want the choice of book providers. I ordered the 64GB to replace my 1G Touch. I am sure the engineers and SJ are proud of the still photo restraints. It’s like a wart on the face. If my previous services were blocked and the 4G is a completely new product, the 4G will remain unopened so I can sell it on eBay.
apple didnt block it, just the website. get the app, it works well, but propably better with a video cam, i just had a mic.
This is a great upgrade even for people with the 3rd Gen iPod. 4x the pixel density is no small addition!
Anyway, mine is coming in the mail and should be here by Sept. 9th — at least that’s what my tracking agent says.
As for facetime, I’m not sure who I’d use it with — the only other person I know that has a facetime device is my Sister’s boyfriend, and I don’t even think he has a wifi setup at his home.
The things I’m most excited about are not the cameras, but the 1ghz processor, Retina Display, 512mb memory, and 802.11n wifi — all of these add up to a user experience that completely blows away what is currently offered with my iPod Touch 2G. The iPod (and iphone) is finally becoming the device I always wished it would be!
I’m still debating on whether to get it. Maybe after I see a full review then I will make my decision. I’m probably gonna do like u guys and sell my 2g and get this one and then just update to the 6th gen. It seems apple only makes a major update every 2 years with the touch.
What do you guys mean, 6th gen? Of the iPod touch ? Or another model?
im gonna buy 1 in 2 weeks and then upgrade for the 6th gen. im not gonna REALLY use the still camera. only for Facebook. can’t wait!!!
omg ur right!!! facebook! you can dirctly uplad pics to the facebook app!!!! this is going to be soooo ahmazing, even tho i just got my stupid 2nd gen in january
I just purchased the 4g itouch and will also wait and purchase the slimmer 6th version.
I’ll stick with my 2nd Gen, works absolutely fine, when the 5th gen one comes out with better camera and better battery life then looks like i got something to put on the Christmas list
I have a iPod touch 3rd generation and I want to upgrade to iPod touch 4g so what’s your problem why are you saying this??
take it easy…he was just saying that some people might not want to upgrade since they recently bought the ipod touch 3g, he didnt say that everyone isnt gonna upgrade to the new ipod