iPhone 4 Free Bumper Cases Now Shipping

I ordered my free iPhone 4 Bumper on Saturday, using the iPhone 4 case program app we reported on just at the start of the weekend. I ordered mine purely in the interests of journalism, and not because I need one! But don’t tell Apple!

This afternoon I got a shipping notification for my Black Apple iPhone 4 Bumper, telling me to expect receipt within 3 business days.

We are pleased to advise you that your Apple Store order XXXXXXXXXXXX has been dispatched by mail and will be delivered to your shipping address.

The expected postal time for your order is 3 business days. This is an estimated lead time only and may vary slightly. As your order is being delivered by post there is no tracking available.

When I selected my free Bumper I was initially told to expect delivery in 5 weeks.

So either fewer people than expected are rushing to get these free Bumpers for iPhone 4. Which seems unusual bearing in mind that something free from Apple is about as frequent as a man landing on the moon.

Or Apple are on top of this and have ample stock of their own Bumpers.

Or, perhaps Apple Bumpers are not that popular?

Has anyone received shipping notes for their Bumpers yet? How about third party ones? Do let us know in the comments…


Stephen NorthcottiPhone 4 Free Bumper Cases Now Shipping

8 Comments on “iPhone 4 Free Bumper Cases Now Shipping”

  1. sergio

    I just uploaded my experience with the iphone case program scam, and of course, it’s been deleted.

    Here’s it:

    The terms and conditions (not that I read it, but as per what 4 apple support reps told me) are made to covering ONLY At&t customers, inside US.

    Anything other than that, (other carrier, other country, not activated yet, etc) won’t work.

    I bought 2 iphones. 1 to replace my current At&t unit (extending its contract) and another paid in full to give my cousing as a gift. I bought it way before its birthday because I it’s so fainting difficult to get them (I went to the store 3 times in the morning until I got the shipmen… They don’t ship every day, nor the same amount, to keep the buzz in the store, but that’s another story)

    I ordered the bumper for mine, it’s in its way. No problems with that: I live in the US, I ASKED for the bumper and they gave me the info on how to get it, and I’m an At&t customer.

    Now, the other phone is NOT ACTIVATED, and I don’t want to give it to my cousin’s and say “now you have to get your own bumper. Oh, sorry if you took this long to activate it, but you don’t qualify for the bumper anymore”.

    I called many times, called the store, went to At&t…

    After the detailed below, I realized that everything is *on purpose to leave most of people as possible out the “program that solves an antena failure*”. In that way, they ADVERTISE as responsible, and cut it to the minimum.

    a) They are not available yet, and Apple reps DON’T TELL YOU ABOUT THE PROGRAM WHEN YOU BUY IT if you don’t ask for it, so when you come back to the store later, the program has expired.

    b) You can’t get it if your phone is not activated.

    c) They tell you At&t stores have the cases. They even look at the computer and say “yes, this or that store has it”. They also confirm when you are at the second store you drove to, saying “yes, I see in my computer that they not only should be able to ship it to you, but they also HAVE IT in stock, or SHOULD HAVE IT”. I’ve been at 3 At&t stores, one of them the largest in Miami, and NONE of them have the cases, nor know about the refund, nor have ever seen the “bumper” in their store.

    d) When you call to ask them how else you can get the cases, other than having the phone activated, they are limited to tell you “you have to download the app, and order it through it”, although Apple will refund the money if you get it at At&t stores and show them the receipt, which… you’ll never get, since NO At&t store has it. (the manager of one store shown me her computer’s screen with the table of product availability, which shown “cero, cero, cero…” across the whole screen, for ALL THE FLORIDA STORES.

    e)The customer support reps don’t are instructed to help Apple to keep the charity at minimum, rather than helping you to fix their problem with the antena.

    When you tell any of those reps “the program was made to fix a HARDWARE ISSUE, and that issue exists regardless of me having it activated or not…”, they keep repeating “you need to access the app to get the bumper”
    When I asked them if “that means that the antena FIX is limited to the ones that activated the phone?”, they replied “YES”.

    It took a few times for them to understand that “install the app” can’t be always done, but it seems they don’t have anything setup for “helping” you to fix the antena issue that overlaps with their orders for keeping charity at minimum, and admite the logic conclusion:

  2. Jordan

    Just received an email saying that I will receive my bumper on the 28th July

    I must have just received my email after others.

  3. Erik w/a

    I have not ordered mine yet. They seem stupid. All they seem to do is cover the signal problem, which is my suspicion that is why they made bumpers in the first place. I have a friend who has one and he says it protects the sides if he were to drop it (fair enough) but it has no back or front protection.
    I am hoping to have them cover the case I bought already that I really like.

  4. Pingback: FP Tech Desk: Apple iPhone users ‘very satisfied’ with AT&T, free bumper cases start shipping | FP Posted | Financial Post

  5. Felicity

    I ordered my bumper case on Friday and mine also said to be expected by 31st august. I have had an email today saying it has been dispatched and to expect within 3 days.

  6. Fargopoo

    I ordered mine the day the app came out and my order confirmation states it will ship August 27th and arrive September 1st. Not very good customer service.

  7. Dtinsurance

    I ordered mine the day the app came out and today got a confirmation email that I can expect mine October 8th. Thanks Mr. Jobs. Now I have to wait 2.5 months to see if the case fixes the problem, but only have 30 days to decide if I want to keep the phone…brilliant.

  8. Jordan

    I ordered my black bumper on friday, the day the app to order came out, and apple sent me an email advising me that my bumper would arrive on the the 30th of August.

    Don't know why someone who ordered the day after me is receiving theirs before me.

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