Brain Shake HD [rating: 2.5/5]
A Fun Game That Lacks Longevity
Many people who are reading this review will have probably heard of a game named BopIt where a single player or groups of players pass around the toy and follow the instructions on whether to push, pull or indeed BopIt. Well for me I’m a little bit old school so my reference point is a game toy called Pass Me from the early 80’s where the premise was similar although it was all based on colors and numbers. Anyway, I digress, Brain Shake HD is similar to these games only in an iPad app form.
The game consists of four different levers that you have to switch, twist, pull and squeeze under the instruction of the robotic voice that commands you.
The graphics look great, very clear and sharp, unfortunately they never change, the game could have certainly gained by switching the graphics or background on a regular basis to mix things up a little.
The same could be said for the sounds, they’re effective enough but not enough variety. As the game starts it will instruct you to complete one of the actions, too slow and it’s game over, do it quickly enough and you’ll be instructed of the next action to perform.
The four levers will also rotate at times placing the levers in different corners of the screen as well as this you will be randomly instructed to shake the whole iPad, just make sure you don’t drop it! This process continues with things getting progressively faster and faster until you finally miss one of your instructions.
The game is fun but there is definitely room for improvement. For example there is no multip-player option which would be a lot of fun especially on a single iPad and I’ve also been unable to find a high-score table even though you get to enter you name each time you get a high score.
At 99 cents Brain Shake HD will certainly provide a dollars worth of entertainment and if future updates include a multiple-player mode as well as alternative graphics and more gaming styles this could prove to be a game that hangs around for quite a while.
The Good
- Crazy lever pulling fun
- Strong graphics
The Not So Good
- Too few options
- No multi-player mode
- No leader boards
Price: $0.99 (iTunes Store)
Updated: Apr 22, 2010
Reviewed Version: 1.1
Size: 25.8 MB
Language: English
Seller: Mundomono
© 2010 Mundomono ltda.
Rated 4+
Requirements: Compatible with iPad. Requires iPhone OS 3.2 or later.
2 Comments on “Brain Shake HD iPad Game Review. Crazy lever pulling fun”
I agree, its lots of fun, but a leader board is a MUST.