DigiTimes, the source of all good Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) production gossip in Asia apparently, is reporting that a Taiwan based company will also begin shipping 9.7-inch touch screens for the iPad within the next month.
This will add a 1 million unit per month supply capability to Apple’s production lines.
Apple have been dogged with supply problems since the iPad’s launch. Only in the last month getting their supply volume just about in parity with consumer demand – where the iPad is available.
With China, and other countries opening up very soon to the iPad, and Christmas coming it seems Apple is making sure that its aggressive moves into new markets are backed up with a reliable supply of iPads!
It is also possible of course that Apple is bolstering supply lines for another iPad device, or renewed demand for an updated device on or around the end of the year…
Do you think Apple is just catching up with demand? Or are they prepping supply lines for a new iPad? Have your say in the comments…
6 Comments on “Apple (AAPL) Expands iPad Production Again! New iPad Soon?”
I believe that the Apple iPad 2g version could be out for Christmas. One reason is of an announcement made by Steve Jobs at the media event on Sept 1 and the fact that if Apple wants to stay ahead of the pack, they are going to need to update it to compete with the makers of tablets who will introducing their models this Christmas. There are apparently a large number of Android Tablets coming and though the Android OS looks good and could draw customers away from iPad the iOS Apple uses has evolved over the years and is much better.
iOS is in no way better than Android, it is slow and clunky while being very limiting to those that want to do more than one thing at a time.
Apple is headed for a fall the same way they did back in the mid 80’s and the same guy is steering the ship towards that proverbial iceberg…
How many people warned that Android was going to take over the market lead and make the iPhone largely irrelevant? Quite a few and Steve wouldn’t listen but hey, he thought his product was infallible back in 1984 too and we know how that worked out.
ma balls itch