iPhone, iPad Games, Apps, Reviews, News Thu, 16 Jul 2015 12:57:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How I Got iWork Keynote App for Free on My Old Mac Wed, 23 Oct 2013 14:41:50 +0000 Read More]]> Keynote app for Mac

During the special keynote event yesterday Apple announced all new versions of their productivity and creativity apps for Mac and iOS. All new versions of iWork and iLife which includes Pages, Keynote, Numbers, iPhoto, iMovie and Garage Band are now free with purchase of new Mac or iOS device. These updates are also free for existing users who purchased the older versions.

I own a Mid 2010 27-inch iMac which has been serving me well all these years. OS X Mavericks the tenth major software release for the Mac was also made available for free to iMac models dating back to 2007. After multiple failed attempts to download the software update due to Apple’s sever overload and then finally succeeding I was able to install OS X Mavericks.

After installing the new software update when I launched the Mac App Store to download other software updates I noticed Keynote as one of the app among other apps listed that had available updates. Now, this was interesting to me as I never purchased Keynote app for the Mac.

When I purchased the Mac I downloaded trial version of iWork (Apple did not have Mac App Store back then) and then later purchased only Pages and Numbers app as a digital download. Keynote app was still installed but never worked as the trial had expired.

After installing Mavericks I noticed under the “Purchases” tab it listed Keynote app with a purchase date of today. After the app was updated I launched it and it worked flawlessly.

In the past I’ve got lucky even with iCloud. Just when rumours about Apple announcing a cloud based service reached an all time high I registered for a free trial of MobileMe service. Since the trial was for 60 days and within a weeks time Apple announced iCloud I got extended storage of 25GB for one year without ever paying for the old MobileMe service.

iWork apps are also available on iCloud as web apps and now feature collaboration. The shift in Apple’s pricing strategy by listing its creative and productive suite of apps as free would certainly help in more customers experimenting with these apps and thus increasing its usage worldwide.

]]> 0 Users Experiencing OS X Mavericks Download Error Tue, 22 Oct 2013 20:14:37 +0000 Read More]]> Os x mavericks error

Earlier today Apple released the tenth major OS X software release called OS X Mavericks. The software update is available for free as a digital download from the Mac App Store. The store link for the update is now live and users can download the update.

OS X Mavericks is a 5.29 GB data download which is certainly quite a lot considering the features included in the update. Many users who are rushing to download to latest software release from Apple are experiencing download errors.

A quick search on Twitter for “Mavericks error” reveals many customers tweeting about failed download error. I’ve already had five failed attempts at downloading the update from Mac App Store. Each time the download begins just fine however, after downloading nearly 1GB of data I got “an error occurred” message.

In order to re-download the update you need to go to the “Purchases” tab and then start the download again. Each time you start the download it will begin from the start so you’ll lose any data downloaded previously.

OS X Mavericks failed to download

This year Apple announced the update is available for free. This shift in pricing strategy is being seen as an attempt to encourage customers to update to the latest software update offered by the company. Since, this years update is free it isn’t surprising that many more customers are probably hitting the download button right now.

Apple servers could be under huge load at the moment therefore resulting in unsuccessful download for many users. At the moment is there is no fix for this issue. We tried to reload the Mac App Store by pressing Command+R and even tried to sign out and then sign-in. However, this didn’t work and the update continued to fail after about 20 minutes of downloading.

If you’re getting repeated errors then it is advisable for you to wait and download the update later tomorrow hopefully Apple servers would be able to take the load by then.

Are you experiencing Mavericks download issues or errors? Let us know about it in the comments below.

]]> 7 OS X Mavericks Download Link Now Live Tue, 22 Oct 2013 19:08:53 +0000 Read More]]> OS X Mavericks

During the special event today Apple announced the worldwide availability of OS X Mavericks. The tenth major release of OS X brings technological advancements, new apps and battery enhancements to the Mac.

Apple is beginning a new pricing model for its software updates of OS X with the release of Mavericks. Today Apple announced that OS X Mavericks will be available for free as a digital download from the Mac App Store.

The tenth major version of OS X brings iBooks and Maps app to the Mac for the first time. Users will now be able to read and buy books from their Macs. Maps app provides directions, street view and integrates with Calendar app.

Safari includes shared links from your social networking accounts like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. It also bring significant speed and performance improvements to the browsing experience.

OS X Mavericks brings new ways to organise your files by assigning tags to each file. Multiple tags can be assigned to a single file to make it easier for you find a file and organise your work flow. Finder now also includes tabbed browsing to avoid the clutter of multiple Finder windows taking up your screen space.

One of the most notable features in the new software update is iCloud Keychain. This allows you to upload your log in details from the KeyChain Access app to iCloud and autofill your username and passwords. This would also be available to iOS devices in a new update.

Advanced technologies included in the update make it more energy efficient and make your Mac more responsive even as you use more apps. One of the ways the company has accomplished this by introducing App Nap and Safari Power Saver. These features allot more resources to the app in the forefront while slowing the apps in the background.

OS X Mavericks is now available for download for free from the Mac App Store. Follow the download link here. The update comes at 5.29GB.

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