GodFinger is another social interactive game from Ngmoco and soon to be released worldwide. Already it is a hugely popular game but at present it is only available in Canada. Similar to how We Rule recently launched after beta testing in Canada it will now be be GodFingers turn. So to help you along your way when you finally get your hands on the game, if you haven’t already, here is a detailed walkthrough of the actual game.
When you first launch the game you are greeted with an easy to follow tutorial and you can’t really go wrong. It will set you a number of tasks to follow and these will help you understand the gameplay. You are God on your own little planet. You can move the planet round and round from left to right and zoom in and out to get a clearer view with your finger. On your planet you have followers and initially you are only given a few. To get these followers to worship you and start doing work for you, you need to amaze them first with your wonder, another words your power. To do this you use what is called ‘mana’ and mana is what you will need to do any powerful wonders in your world. Now when you get a new follower above their head will be a picture of what they want. For example it might be a sun. So then you have to find the sun and put it above their head, press and hold it a short while then drag down and it will shine over your follower. They will be very very impressed and then they are happy to worship and work for you. You do this with each new follower you get. You get new followers when you reach certain levels in the game.
I mentioned about needing mana to do your powered wonders well these wonders are as I said before to make the sun shine but also to produce rain and lightening from clouds. You need to power these weather elements up to power your farms you want your followers to work on.
You will start with buying a small farm and at first you will have to build it over a short period of real time you do this by placing a follower at the farm and he will automatically start building away. When this is done you will need a white cloud to power it up, again by pressing your finger down for a short time on it and then releasing and dragging down whilst you do. This rain powers up your farm for a short while. If you actually press the farm it shows the power level for it so you can tell when it needs powering up again. Your follower will then automatically start working and producing you gold coins. The farm will tell you how many workers can work at the same time so just place how ever many you need.
Your followers are the same as your farms though they too will run out of energy. To recharge them back up you need to either sit them at a camp fire, fountain, tent or tavern. All of these will eventually over time replace their energy levels back up. You will only start with a camp fire and fountain though the other items will have to be purchased with your gold coins you earn.
Now everything you do on your planet takes real time. If it says your farm takes 2 hours to build it will take 2 hours in real time. Some take 4 days to build and you just have to wait or use Awe.
Going into slightly more detail now with regards to the mana and awe, you only have so much of each to start with. At the beginning you start with 10 mana and every time you use a wonder to power up it uses one mana. If you run out you have three options. You can sit and wait it out and it will tell you at the bottom of the screen how long it will be until you have another produced. You can send a few followers to your shrine and they then dance round it and worship you and that produces mana. The final option is to use Awe to buy some more. At first you are given 10 Awe but once this is gone you will have to buy it will real money as an in-app purchase. Awe is used to speed things up, regenerate followers back to life and to buy mana. To be honest though mana is replaced quite quickly and I really wouldn’t bother buying any with your awe, I would save that for when you really need it.
The final currency you need to know about is the gold coins you earn. These are given when you earn them whilst working and you use these to buy farms, taverns, and tents. Whilst you earn gold coins you also earn xp (experience points) and these help you get to your next level. Each level produces diferent things,more space on your planet, a follower or even an evil skeleton. If you do get a skeleton by the way, zap him quick with the lightening cloud before he kills a follower! Another way to earn extra gold is to change your follower into a mystic and this means turning your unnamed follower into a named follower from one of your plus+ friends. They will then earn extra gold for you and your plus friend you allocated. Your friends can do the same for you also.
One other thing I should mention is that your followers can die. If they are exhausted and you still get them to work they could pass away. Or if you accidentally or even on purpose zap them with lightening they will die. So then you would need to use your awe to bring them out of their grave.
So thats the main game play, there are a few things to consider when playing and that is what items you should purchase to help your game. There is really no right or wrong answer, you learn as you go along what works best for you. There are different kinds of tents to buy some hold 2 followers some 3, you can use taverns to refesh them and they also produce gold. The farms also come in different shapes and sizes and as you probably guessed the bigger and better they are the more gold coins you will have to pay. The things that have worked for me are,
The game can be played very well with-out purchasing in-app upgrades. I think the only time you may need to is if you kill someone and bring them back to life. Once you have used all your 10 awe if they died you need awe to bring them back so once you run out that really is the only time you would need to spend real money. Saying that though there is no rule that says you must bring any follower back so you could just leave them if you really wanted to. Cruel but true!
So there you have it, now off you go and show your followers whos God! Don’t forget to share your tips and plus+ gamername below.
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Only six percent of students said they weren’t at all addicted to the device, whereas a full 10 percent said they were fully addicted, and 34 percent gave themselves a ‘four’ on the five-point scale.
Thirty-two percent of respondents who didn’t report feeling completely addicted did worry that they would eventually become addicted.
Eighty-five percent of those surveyed reported using their iPhones as a watch while 89 percent use it as an alarm clock.
Seventy-five percent actually confessed to sleeping with their iPhone in bed next to them.
However, as students are using the iPhones to arrange their social lives, they must be careful to not let their addiction create a backlash: Seven percent of the students reported roommates or partners who felt neglected due to the respondent’s iPhone use, giving rise to the term ‘iPhone widow’ for those people who feel as though they’ve lost their significant other to the iPhone.
Many of the reported ‘side-effects’ of iPhone use are positive as 70 percent reported being more organized, 54 percent were more productive and 74 percent just felt ‘cool’ having an iPhone.
After reading this it made me wonder whether this could really be the case with some people. I use my iPhone through out the day for many things but does that make me an addict? I use it not just for games and fun but for work related things, reading the news, emails, contacting friends, surely this isn’t a bad thing and doesn’t class people as an addict? So I decided to offer my day in the life of my iPhone and openly tell you from morning til night what applications I use throughout the day on my iPhone. Then you can decide whether it is really possible to becoming addicted to a piece of technology.
Ok, so I generally start the day at 6.00 am and once out of bed and sometimes whilst actually in bed I launch Twittelator (iTunes Store) to check all my tweets from Twitter and also Boxcar (iTunes Store) to see what mentions or private messages I may have. This could take me anything from half an hour to an hour depending how much I have to catch up on.
Once that’s done I log on to the Facebook App (iTunes Store) and catch up on my friends and families chat for the last 24hrs. In between all this I have now started getting up and getting breakfast ready for me and my 3 young children. Then I might want to check up on my recent twitter statistics so I then launch Birdbrain (iTunes Store) just to see what new followers of interest I might have and who has dared to unfollow me!
After I have done the school run and sorted out what ever jobs I have had to do I then would use mBox Mail (iTunes Store) to check all my email accounts and then deal with all the emails I have, although I have this with push notifications so normally open it as and when. Throughout the day I may have set myself reminders of things to do or remember so every now and then I may get alarms from NotifyMe (iTunes Store) telling me what recent reminder I have. I might also get reminders from the default Calendar app reminding me of what I should be doing that day. Yes I set a lot of reminders, with 3 children to look after I have a terrible memory! I also keep a lot of notes on an app called Awesome Notes (iTunes Store) so I often check that if I need to refer back to something.
Next up Ive just started using Byline (iTunes Store) an app to view all my RSS feeds and then I would work my way through them in and around with the other jobs Im doing at that time. I will also have a bit of fun on my phone at lunch time or at some point in the day. At the moment the games I play through out the day areNgmoco’s We Rule and Godfinger and Tag Games Astro Ranch (iTunes Store) . The first two I will play on and off until I go to bed because those sort of games are in real time and are my favorite! You also need to play them often to enjoy the game fully.
I like to catch up on the news at some point and for that I use the Guardian App (iTunes Store) and I also read Mashable app (iTunes Store). I like to also check I have no updates for my much loved apps so would visit the app store via my iPhone to do that at least once a day. When I use Twitter through out the day I also like to share little iPhone news I find, its just an hobby I guess and something I enjoy. I have an app called BargainBin App (iTunes Store) which tells you all the daily bargains in the app store so most days I check that just to see if theres any hidden gems to share with everyone.
Now when I venture out into the outside world away from my iPhone but still in my pocket, if I feel the need to tweet about something or update on facebook then I would quickly whip out my iPhone and launch Chirpie App (iTunes Store) to send a quick update. If I happen to be indoors and not able to get to my laptop I might launch Palringo (iTunes Store) so I can be contacted via MSN chat or if I know somebody will be on there that I need to get hold of. At the end of the day if I remember I like to put a few words or pictures in my Momento app (iTunes Store) just for something to look back at. My day ends about 11pm and before I shut down my iPhone I have one last check on Twittelator. Phew!
So that is it really, some of the apps I do actually open several times a day so I guess my iPhone is slightly over used and I charge it at least once a day. A lot of the apps I use though do help me do my every day things and work so surely that’s not a sign I am addicted I just use my phone instead of my laptop. Counting up that’s twenty apps I use most days so I’m asking myself now whether this is normal or whether I am actually addicted?
What do you think? How many apps do you use each day?
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