iPhone, iPad Games, Apps, Reviews, News Thu, 30 Jul 2015 08:09:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Caligo Chaser for iPhone | Hands-on Preview Sun, 31 Jan 2010 05:58:17 +0000 Read More]]>

Mobile gaming is all about the ability to pick up and play a game and that’s not always possible with an in depth RPG, however, that may have just changed with Caligo Chaser from Com2uS.

You take the roll of a young knight who in order to repay a debt takes on the task of solving cases and builds his skills and abilities. While the story may not be the strongest aspect of the game it’s told with a degree of humor that keeps things moving along well enough. As with most games of this style the story is told via text but with the ability of being able to fast forward through the text it means that you won’t get bogged down.

A virtual d-pad and action button are all you need for the game itself and other than the d-pad being a little unforgiving at times the controls work well. The same can not be said for the navigation menu’s which in it’s current beta release are too small to navigate easily. The graphics are anime style and while they may not be ground breaking they also don’t detract from the game itself while the sound effects and music are your standard RPG variety.

Winning the battles can usually be achieved by your standard button bashing however that’s not going to make your progression through the game. Winning the battles using a variety of attacks, combo’s and speed will improve your ranking and earn you bigger points and rewards. Your rewards and points can be used to for items which in turn can be combined for even bigger, better and more powerful items which as you progress through the land will be more and more essential to your success.

If you’ve played similar games before you are going to be perfectly at home here and yet for a newcomers to the genre the difficulty level increases at a smooth pace which makes it feel the first few quests feel like a basic tutorial.

Caligo Chaser, even in the beta release, is a challenging and engaging RPG and it should ensure the Com2us’s success in the App Store continues where it left off.

Previewed By: Craig Willis

Beta Build Screenshots

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