I must admit, when a friend and I decided to take up app coding as a hobby to see if we could make a game, I thought mobile app coding was the same across the board. Guess what? It is not the same. Surprise I know, don’t get me wrong I didn’t think it was identical but I did think it would be more cross-platform than it is. Specifically, we’ll look at the differences of aesthetics between iOS and Android in this article.
In a nutshell, it’s easier to make good looking apps in iOS than in Android. Hipmunk UI/UX designer and iOS developer Danilo Campos explains: “The very simple short answer is it’s easier to make a good-looking, attractive iOS app compared to making an Android app.”
It’s no surprise that when you look at an Apple product vs. a Google product that the Apple product is going to most likely be more polished and sleek, also more expensive. This should give you a hint as to which one cares more about these qualities when it comes to software as well. Now that I sit down and think about it, it makes perfect sense, I just hadn’t thought about it.
Though many things that Apple product users such as myself see as issues with Android many Android users see as benefits. This might be true but some of these are the very reason for the apps not appearing as polished. One thing is for sure, it is is not for lack of talent in the Android development scene.
Let’s look at the reasoning before I am strung up by the Android users:
“Android devices come in different shapes and sizes, different screen resolutions, different device speeds – and that’s actually a huge hurdle,” Karma app co-founder Lee Linden told Wired.
Campos states, “It feels like you’ve got more documentation, both officially sanctioned and thirdparty, so that makes things smoother.” He adds, “One of the hangups [with Android] is so much of the stuff doesn’t feel fully documented.” “Ryan, our Android guy, has to go digging around in the source code to figure out some XML formatting piece that isn’t made clear. That’s been painful for him.”
Overall, Google is learning from their developers and fixing many of the issues. Adding developer support pages to Google+ and also adding a much more robust Android training regiment. With these improvements, some issues still persist. The fragmentation remains as a major issue as less than 3 percent of Android devices currently run Ice Cream Sandwich (Android 4.0). I’ll continue to monitor the progress as my company utilizes Google Apps for Business and I am a fan of all things Google, except Android. Sorry Android fans, it just hasn’t lured me away from iOS… yet.
{via Gizmodo}
]]> https://touchreviews.net/ios-apps-android-apps/feed/ 7Google’s Android is increasingly becoming popular as most handset manufacturers are adopting the Android platform. We recently reported that Google’s Android Market is expected to surpass the number of apps available in Apple’s App Store to become the largest store for mobile apps. But, does more apps mean more revenue?
According to a new report by IHS Screen Digest, the paid app market will double by 2014 and Apple is expected to retain 60 percent of the paid apps market. In terms of revenue Google’s Android Market is witnessing strong growth as revenue for 2011 is predicted to cross $425 million but is still far behind Apple whose revenue is projected to cross $2.91 billion.
RIM turned out to be the biggest loser as the BlackBerry platform for apps hasn’t attracted many new developers.
The app market (including Apple, Google, Nokia, RIM) is predicted to grow 77.7 percent in 2011 making it cross the $3 billion mark and is expected to show tremendous growth by 2014 and crossing $8.3 billion in revenue.
Google’s Android continue to grow in the number of apps however Apple’s strong presence and well defined ecosystem will help the Cupertino based company maintain the lead when it comes to revenue share.
]]> https://touchreviews.net/apple-app-store-retain-60-percent-paid-apps-market-2014/feed/ 3According to a new report published by Research2guidance Android Market share in the number of apps available on a mobile platform will overtake Apple’s App Store in August 2011.
Even though the Android Market was slow in getting developers attention initially, it is now showing accelerated growth and could become greater than Apple’s App Store. The report notes that in the month of April Android Market saw 28,000 new apps being uploaded while only 11,000 made it to the App Store.
The App Store now has a total of more than 381,062 active apps and Android Market is certainly cacthing up fast with a total of 294,738 apps as of May 1.
On the basis of the number of apps made available in April and studying the rate of growth Research2guidance predicts that Android Market will surpass the total number of apps available on the App Store and reach 425,000 apps in August.
However, the more interesting facts pertain to the paid vs free apps available in both stores. Android Market features only 36% paid apps while the App Store boasts 60% paid apps. Clearly developers are more confident about being able to sell their software on Apple’s platform when compared with Google’s Android Market.
It’s also worth noting that Apple has a very strict approval process which makes sure that only quality apps make it to the store. According to Jobs the top three reasons why Apple rejects a particular app include; the app crashes, uses private API’s or does not work as advertised. In contrast Android Market has become a target of a few malicious apps making it to the store, apps that don’t follow standard UI elements or are just copycat apps.
While the number of apps is certainly one way of judging a platform’s success; revenue share continues to favor Apple.
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