iPhone, iPad Games, Apps, Reviews, News Wed, 04 Feb 2015 21:56:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: Miguel Tue, 25 May 2010 09:50:30 +0000 Who cares about what the competition is doing??? Erin, have you had the chance to try an android phone? I'm afraid Jason and David may have skipped a huge chapter in their book, where they should've talked about a little business tenet called KNOW YOUR COMPETITION. I believe that the reason Google has made big gains in Apple's territory is that they are making products that people find practical and useful. If a lot of their product features come from a list they wrote about what Apple DOESN'T do, it's probably because they are listening to what the consumer DOES want (pardon the Droid commercial bit). All in all, they are both hugely successful companies, and that is why Steve Jobs and Eric Schmidt are infinitely more rich than you and me. I just think it's crazy that people are so caught up with the philosophy behind a product that they start vilifying the people behind them. As a consumer, I want the product that fits my lifestyle, I don't care much about its creator other than knowing that he wants to keep innovating to bring me new ways to enhance my already hyperbusy life. For me, android does it (especially nexus with Froyo, which you should really try sometime. You wouldn't be disappointed). I'm looking forward to seeing how the new iPhone will perform as a smartphone, but ultimately I want good blend of performance and form factor, and you can't deny that android comes action-packed with both. But hey, like you, I'm a techie, just want to know where we're headed with all of this :)

]]> By: patlang Sun, 23 May 2010 17:59:43 +0000 Apple obviously has put some thought into the roadmap of how they want current customers to migrate to new products as they release them. If my wife's 1st gen iPhone that we bought 3 years ago doesn't support 4.0 it is expected, her contract is up and she can get a new phone at a good price. Its a good customer experience and we will be happy to buy other Apple products.
Google on the other hand is just throwing release after release over the fence without regard to how customers that own previous products will make the upgrade to the next product. Some call it innovation, but I call it bad judgment in a rush to be first. They are totally ignoring the customer buying cycles (my guess is they are inexperienced in this area because most of their other online products are free?). Its just a matter of time that potential Android customers hold off on making purchases because “the next great thing” is already in the press or have remorse because their 3 month old EVO, locked into a 2 year contract, can't be upgraded.

]]> By: Erin Peterson Sun, 23 May 2010 01:55:14 +0000 Thank you for words of support Summa. I believe every one is entitled to their opinion and the best way to discuss an issue is to engage and not ignore it or degrade into senseless name calling. Besides, I don't think he meant a bigot in the racial sense but in the sense that my opinion was unduly biased towards Apple without regard for Google. Google is an amazingly productive and innovative company. I just think around Android they are concentrating too heavily on trying to be what iPhone OS isn't instead of following their own vision for the product.

]]> By: Summa Sun, 23 May 2010 01:25:37 +0000 Why you would even both to respond to such an insulting comment? Geez, he even called you a bigot (I have no idea where that came from). Would you reply if he can you a mass murder pedophile?

A lot of people have lost a lot of money on Google's stock recently and they are bound to take out their anger on anyone who says anything negative about the company. Just ignore them.

]]> By: Erin Peterson Sun, 23 May 2010 00:18:27 +0000 Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment. I love hearing from everyone that reads my articles. You'll notice I didn't get into Google TV or WebM in my article. Perhaps another day.

The main contention in my article is that Google has chosen to expand Android OS by chosing features who's main utility is in the fact they aren't in iPhone OS while Apple continues to innovate by doing simply what they want to do. You can have Android on your refridgerator all you want, I'll take iPhone OS on my iPhone thanks.

]]> By: franzkafka Sat, 22 May 2010 23:46:00 +0000 well you really need to gather more information before writing such an article.
google tv and apple tv in common only have the word tv.
iPhoneOS and AndroidOS the common thing is the word OS, maybe you want to compare the new features in Froyo (Android 2.2) with the features present in iPhoneOS. I don't seem to remember iPhoneOS running on apple TV, android does microwaves too 😉
The keyword is innovation here and I am afraid AndroidOS, GoogleTV, WebM are way more innovative than Apple's products (which, dont get me wrong, have been innovative in the past).
You confused imitation and innovation. If Apple goes 4G and bigger display is because Google did that before and heated up the competition. So Apple is forced to innovate and the users win. Make no mistake, android devices are far superior nowadays than the iPhone, now the iPhone needs to push its limits to compete, so will Android after that. Competition leads to innovation.

]]> By: Erin Peterson Sat, 22 May 2010 21:36:32 +0000 Thanks for your input Alvaro. I merely pointed out one article among many the reader would be interested in looking at. There has been a plethora of coverage on Google I/O this week and I've stayed abreast of it as best I could. I appreciate you taking the time to read my article. I hope you come back to Touch Reviews often.

]]> By: Alvaro Jose Rey Sat, 22 May 2010 21:28:58 +0000 Well you should look for different sources of information, making a whole article because you read another one in apple insider website and assuming that they are the only side of the story makes you naive to said the least. Lazy, incompetent and bigot also comes to mi mind
