iPhone, iPad Games, Apps, Reviews, News Wed, 04 Feb 2015 21:56:43 +0000 hourly 1
By: meow
Tue, 24 Apr 2012 19:43:00 +0000
“Between the iPad, iPhone and iPod, Apple sold 172 million devices last year”
Good grief. This should say “among” instead of “between”. That is one of my biggest pet peeves.
By: pyrotechnomimus
Sun, 15 Apr 2012 16:43:00 +0000
If by great fundamentals you mean being the Microsoft of the late 90s early 2000s era. Anti-competitive tactics in almost every single major software/service they provide. They are also running the worst possible security patch setup, allowing too many people to get infected by malware before doing anything about it. They still haven’t patched a security hole in Safari that’s been around for years and regularly used to remote hack into them during hacking contests (a problem their Pad and Pod devices have inherited). Oh, and they also charge ridiculous amounts of money to only be 4th place this last year for reliability? And they never do recalls on things like the yellow tinged iPad screens, the Yellow Lined iMacs, the issues with specific SSDs breaking in many of their older Airs, the list goes on. They are a company that is taking over through marketing, and yearly consumption. This is a company not doomed for failure, but definitely to hurt its name in the next few years if they do not change their policies internally specifically on how they look out for their consumers pre-emptively.
By: pyrotechnomimus
Sun, 15 Apr 2012 16:35:00 +0000
Just as a note, we sell quite a few computers to 70+ year old women in my store. The reason we do so, is they understand the computer very well and often use Microsoft Office for things such as gift cards for family members. They have for a few decades, and they continue to wish to do so. Another useable function for them is burning DVD slideshows of pictures, and scanning those pictures in through an all-in-one printer. Add on top of that, many of them still print. No, a 70 year old woman specifically would benefit from a $500 computer over a $500 iPad. We see older folks bring Pad devices back because they don’t have the patience or the courage to learn something new, and because their use patterns dictate a computer probably more than a 20-something who’s just chatting on facebook.As a separate note, since Vista if you delete a windows folder/file you need to give permission to do so, in Windows 7 you have to first enter the security of the folder and add permissions for that user to delete a system required folder/file, and last when you restart next it will offer to do a windows startup repair and will fix any files missing. So, yes, that 70 year old woman seems quite safe in buying a computer still.
By: YujinNY
Tue, 27 Mar 2012 13:26:00 +0000
Like a $500 PC will do much in terms of hardcore gaming of video processing? Right? The problem with “crazy” humans is that they have more brains than you. They don’t rely on specs, but the benefits and the usability of the device. What good does a 2k laptop do for a 70 year old woman if she cannot even turn it on? And god forbid if she deletes something from the windows folders. Then she is really screwed.
Apple just makes a simple and easy to use device that the non-techies can use and be as productive as anyone else. Bad? Only an idiotic nerd will agree.
By: YujinNY
Tue, 27 Mar 2012 13:22:00 +0000
With apps like onlive, I can see cloud computing taking off soon. Yes, that is a very good technology that can make devices like the iPad the main “PC” in your live.
By: Richie_P6
Tue, 27 Mar 2012 02:41:00 +0000
What do you expect? Most people only use their home PC – whether it’s a desktop or a laptop – for web surfing (including web-based email and online movies). The iPad is good enough at web surfing, so the vast majority of people can replace their home PC with an iPad.
Their work computer is another story, but there are still enough homes out there to sell a lot of iPads.
By: tomgnh
Mon, 26 Mar 2012 22:39:00 +0000
Own Microsoft, eh? Sorry.
By: Adnan Pirota
Mon, 26 Mar 2012 21:39:00 +0000
15 million of nuts human beings who give big money for a toy instead of buying a computer from which they could benefit
By: Luthan
Mon, 26 Mar 2012 20:58:00 +0000
you clearly have no idea of what you’re talking about. during the tech bubble, companies had valuations of over 1000 p/e. apple is at 12 the way this year is going. if apple was at a level of tech bubble, it would be trading at $50,000 a share right now.
By: Chuck Padgett
Mon, 26 Mar 2012 20:56:00 +0000
Apple’s gain has been during a recession. The tech bubble was not. Big difference.
By: Booboo
Mon, 26 Mar 2012 20:51:00 +0000
jealousy Nihal. Pure jealousy
By: Linh Nguyen
Mon, 26 Mar 2012 20:49:00 +0000
ditto. and add my casio calculator watch as well.
By: Anon
Mon, 26 Mar 2012 20:36:00 +0000
Could you explain the similarities between the current Tech Trend and the tech bubble before? Apple seems to be a strong company with great fundamentals.
By: Nihal Bhat
Mon, 26 Mar 2012 20:27:00 +0000
you remind me of the stock rampers during the tech bubble and the boom. put a sock in it. these good times dont last
By: Paul Kindervater
Mon, 26 Mar 2012 20:14:00 +0000
Please add Macs to that graphic.
By: Spain266
Mon, 26 Mar 2012 20:12:00 +0000
Apple also had a two IPad purchase limit on the ope launch of the new Ipad and they still sold 15 million. Wonder how many millions more they would have sold if there was no limit. I went to 3 stores before I found a place that wasnt sold out of them. Oh new just in aaple IOS is going to power Baidu search for China….go AAPL go!!!!